Monday, July 12, 2010 | |
08:45–09:00 | Opening - Aula, Venue A |
Invited Talk - Aula, Venue A (09:00–10:00) Chair: Sandra Carberry | |
09:00–10:00 | Towards a Psycholinguistics of Social Interaction, by Zenzi M Griffin |
10:00–10:30 | Coffee/Tea Break |
Parsing - Aula, Venue A (10:30–11:45) Chair: Jennifer Foster | |
10:30–10:55 | Efficient Third-Order Dependency Parsers Terry Koo and Michael Collins |
10:55–11:20 | Dependency Parsing and Projection Based on Word-Pair Classification Wenbin Jiang and Qun Liu |
11:20–11:45 | Bitext Dependency Parsing with Bilingual Subtree Constraints Wenliang Chen, Jun’ichi Kazama and Kentaro Torisawa |
Semantics - Hall X, Venue A (10:30–11:45) Chair: Alexander Yates | |
10:30–10:55 | Computing Weakest Readings Alexander Koller and Stefan Thater |
10:55–11:20 | Identifying Generic Noun Phrases Nils Reiter and Anette Frank |
11:20–11:45 | Structural Semantic Relatedness: A Knowledge-Based Method to Named Entity Disambiguation Xianpei Han and Jun Zhao |
Spoken Language - Hall IX, Venue A (10:30–11:45) Chair: Mikko Kurimo | |
10:30–10:55 | Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition with Articulatory Dynamics Frank Rudzicz |
10:55–11:20 | Learning to Adapt to Unknown Users: Referring Expression Generation in Spoken Dialogue Systems Srinivasan Janarthanam and Oliver Lemon |
11:20–11:45 | A Risk Minimization Framework for Extractive Speech Summarization Shih-Hsiang Lin and Berlin Chen |
Resources and MT Evaluation - Hall 3, Venue B (10:30–11:45) Chair: Eduard Hovy | |
10:30–10:55 | The Human Language Project: Building a Universal Corpus of the World’s Languages Steven Abney and Steven Bird |
10:55–11:20 | Bilingual Lexicon Generation Using Non-Aligned Signatures Daphna Shezaf and Ari Rappoport |
11:20–11:45 | Automatic Evaluation Method for Machine Translation Using Noun-Phrase Chunking Hiroshi Echizen-ya and Kenji Araki |
Information Extraction - Hall 4, Venue B (10:30–11:45) Chair: Chin-Yew Lin | |
10:30–10:55 | Open Information Extraction Using Wikipedia Fei Wu and Daniel S. Weld |
10:55–11:20 | SystemT: An Algebraic Approach to Declarative Information Extraction Laura Chiticariu, Rajasekar Krishnamurthy, Yunyao Li, Sriram Raghavan, Frederick Reiss and Shivakumar Vaithyanathan |
11:20–11:45 | Extracting Social Networks from Literary Fiction David Elson, Nicholas Dames and Kathleen McKeown |
11:45–11:55 | Short Break |
Short Talks: Translation - Aula, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Jorg Tiedemann | |
11:55–12:05 | Pseudo-Word for Phrase-Based Machine Translation Xiangyu Duan, Min Zhang and Haizhou Li |
12:05–12:15 | Hierarchical Search for Word Alignment Jason Riesa and Daniel Marcu |
Short Talks: Discourse and Generation - Hall X, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Oliver Lemon | |
11:55–12:05 | “Was It Good? It Was Provocative.” Learning the Meaning of Scalar Adjectives Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning and Christopher Potts |
12:35–12:45 | Importance-Driven Turn-Bidding for Spoken Dialogue Systems Ethan Selfridge and Peter Heeman |
13:05–13:15 | Entity-Based Local Coherence Modelling Using Topological Fields Jackie Chi Kit Cheung and Gerald Penn |
Short Talks: Psycholinguistics, Resources, and MT Evaluation - Hall IX, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Amit Dubey | |
12:05–12:15 | Syntactic and Semantic Factors in Processing Difficulty: An Integrated Measure Jeff Mitchell, Mirella Lapata, Vera Demberg and Frank Keller |
12:35–12:45 | Rebanking CCGbank for Improved NP Interpretation Matthew Honnibal, James R. Curran and Johan Bos |
12:45–12:55 | BabelNet: Building a Very Large Multilingual Semantic Network Roberto Navigli and Simone Paolo Ponzetto |
Short Talks: Semantics - Hall 3, Venue B (11:55–13:15) Chair: Manfred Pinkal | |
12:05–12:15 | Fully Unsupervised Core-Adjunct Argument Classification Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport |
12:35–12:45 | Towards Open-Domain Semantic Role Labeling Danilo Croce, Cristina Giannone, Paolo Annesi and Roberto Basili |
13:05–13:15 | A Bayesian Method for Robust Estimation of Distributional Similarities Jun’ichi Kazama, Stijn De Saeger, Kow Kuroda, Masaki Murata and Kentaro Torisawa |
Short Talks: Information Retrieval, Extraction, and Ontologies - Hall 4, Venue B (11:55–13:15) Chair: Pushpak Bhattacharyya | |
11:55–12:05 | Recommendation in Internet Forums and Blogs Jia Wang, Qing Li, Yuanzhu Peter Chen and Zhangxi Lin |
12:15–12:25 | Learning Phrase-Based Spelling Error Models from Clickthrough Data Xu Sun, Jianfeng Gao, Daniel Micol and Chris Quirk |
12:25–12:35 | Inducing Domain-Specific Semantic Class Taggers from (Almost) Nothing Ruihong Huang and Ellen Riloff |
12:35–12:45 | Learning 5000 Relational Extractors Raphael Hoffmann, Congle Zhang and Daniel S. Weld |
12:45–12:55 | Unsupervised Ontology Induction from Text Hoifung Poon and Pedro Domingos |
Posters and Lunch - Foyer, Venue A (13:15–15:00) | |
Translation (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Pseudo-Word for Phrase-Based Machine Translation Xiangyu Duan, Min Zhang and Haizhou Li |
13:15–15:00 | Hierarchical Search for Word Alignment Jason Riesa and Daniel Marcu |
Generation (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Entity-Based Local Coherence Modelling Using Topological Fields Jackie Chi Kit Cheung and Gerald Penn |
Information Retrieval and Extraction (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Recommendation in Internet Forums and Blogs Jia Wang, Qing Li, Yuanzhu Peter Chen and Zhangxi Lin |
13:15–15:00 | Learning Phrase-Based Spelling Error Models from Clickthrough Data Xu Sun, Jianfeng Gao, Daniel Micol and Chris Quirk |
13:15–15:00 | Inducing Domain-Specific Semantic Class Taggers from (Almost) Nothing Ruihong Huang and Ellen Riloff |
13:15–15:00 | Learning 5000 Relational Extractors Raphael Hoffmann, Congle Zhang and Daniel S. Weld |
Discourse (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | “Was It Good? It Was Provocative.” Learning the Meaning of Scalar Adjectives Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher D. Manning and Christopher Potts |
13:15–15:00 | Importance-Driven Turn-Bidding for Spoken Dialogue Systems Ethan Selfridge and Peter Heeman |
Resources and MT Evaluation (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Rebanking CCGbank for Improved NP Interpretation Matthew Honnibal, James R. Curran and Johan Bos |
13:15–15:00 | BabelNet: Building a Very Large Multilingual Semantic Network Roberto Navigli and Simone Paolo Ponzetto |
Semantics (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Fully Unsupervised Core-Adjunct Argument Classification Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport |
13:15–15:00 | Towards Open-Domain Semantic Role Labeling Danilo Croce, Cristina Giannone, Paolo Annesi and Roberto Basili |
13:15–15:00 | A Bayesian Method for Robust Estimation of Distributional Similarities Jun’ichi Kazama, Stijn De Saeger, Kow Kuroda, Masaki Murata and Kentaro Torisawa |
Ontologies (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Unsupervised Ontology Induction from Text Hoifung Poon and Pedro Domingos |
Psycholinguistics (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Syntactic and Semantic Factors in Processing Difficulty: An Integrated Measure Jeff Mitchell, Mirella Lapata, Vera Demberg and Frank Keller |
Translation - Aula, Venue A (15:00–16:15) Chair: Kemal Oflazer | |
15:00–15:25 | Exploring Syntactic Structural Features for Sub-Tree Alignment Using Bilingual Tree Kernels Jun Sun, Min Zhang and Chew Lim Tan |
15:25–15:50 | Discriminative Pruning for Discriminative ITG Alignment Shujie Liu, Chi-Ho Li and Ming Zhou |
15:50–16:15 | Fine-Grained Tree-to-String Translation Rule Extraction Xianchao Wu, Takuya Matsuzaki and Jun’ichi Tsujii |
Parsing - Hall X, Venue A (15:00–16:15) Chair: Josef van Genabith | |
15:00–15:25 | Accurate Context-Free Parsing with Combinatory Categorial Grammar Timothy A. D. Fowler and Gerald Penn |
15:25–15:50 | Faster Parsing by Supertagger Adaptation Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Jessika Roesner, Tim Dawborn, James Haggerty, James R. Curran and Stephen Clark |
15:50–16:15 | Using Smaller Constituents Rather Than Sentences in Active Learning for Japanese Dependency Parsing Manabu Sassano and Sadao Kurohashi |
Morphology - Hall IX, Venue A (15:00–16:15) Chair: Markus Dickinson | |
15:00–15:25 | Conditional Random Fields for Word Hyphenation Nikolaos Trogkanis and Charles Elkan |
15:25–15:50 | Enhanced Word Decomposition by Calibrating the Decision Threshold of Probabilistic Models and Using a Model Ensemble Sebastian Spiegler and Peter A. Flach |
15:50–16:15 | Word Representations: A Simple and General Method for Semi-Supervised Learning Joseph Turian, Lev-Arie Ratinov and Yoshua Bengio |
Sentiment - Hall 3, Venue B (15:00–16:15) Chair: Christopher Pal | |
15:00–15:25 | Identifying Text Polarity Using Random Walks Ahmed Hassan and Dragomir R. Radev |
15:25–15:50 | Sentiment Learning on Product Reviews via Sentiment Ontology Tree Wei Wei and Jon Atle Gulla |
15:50–16:15 | Employing Personal/Impersonal Views in Supervised and Semi-Supervised Sentiment Classification Shoushan Li, Chu-Ren Huang, Guodong Zhou and Sophia Yat Mei Lee |
Selectional Preferences - Hall 4, Venue B (15:00–16:15) Chair: Anette Frank | |
15:00–15:25 | A Latent Dirichlet Allocation Method for Selectional Preferences Alan Ritter, Mausam and Oren Etzioni |
15:25–15:50 | Latent Variable Models of Selectional Preference Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha |
15:50–16:15 | Improving the Use of Pseudo-Words for Evaluating Selectional Preferences Nathanael Chambers and Daniel Jurafsky |
16:15–16:45 | Coffee/Tea Break |
Translation - Aula, Venue A (16:45–18:00) Chair: Adria de Gispert | |
16:45–17:10 | Syntax-to-Morphology Mapping in Factored Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation from English to Turkish Reyyan Yeniterzi and Kemal Oflazer |
17:10–17:35 | Hindi-to-Urdu Machine Translation through Transliteration Nadir Durrani, Hassan Sajjad, Alexander Fraser and Helmut Schmid |
17:35–18:00 | Training Phrase Translation Models with Leaving-One-Out Joern Wuebker, Arne Mauser and Hermann Ney |
Tagging - Hall X, Venue A (16:45–18:00) Chair: Hoifung Poon | |
16:45–17:10 | Efficient Staggered Decoding for Sequence Labeling Nobuhiro Kaji, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Naoki Yoshinaga and Masaru Kitsuregawa |
17:10–17:35 | Minimized Models and Grammar-Informed Initialization for Supertagging with Highly Ambiguous Lexicons Sujith Ravi, Jason Baldridge and Kevin Knight |
17:35–18:00 | Practical Very Large Scale CRFs Thomas Lavergne, Olivier Cappé and François Yvon |
Grammar Formalisms - Hall IX, Venue A (16:45–18:00) Chair: Gerald Penn | |
16:45–17:10 | On the Computational Complexity of Dominance Links in Grammatical Formalisms Sylvain Schmitz |
17:10–17:35 | Optimal Rank Reduction for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two Benoît Sagot and Giorgio Satta |
17:35–18:00 | The Importance of Rule Restrictions in CCG Marco Kuhlmann, Alexander Koller and Giorgio Satta |
Summarization - Hall 3, Venue B (16:45–18:00) Chair: Xiaojun Wan | |
16:45–17:10 | Automatic Evaluation of Linguistic Quality in Multi-Document Summarization Emily Pitler, Annie Louis and Ani Nenkova |
17:10–17:35 | Identifying Non-Explicit Citing Sentences for Citation-Based Summarization. Vahed Qazvinian and Dragomir R. Radev |
17:35–18:00 | Automatic Generation of Story Highlights Kristian Woodsend and Mirella Lapata |
Sentiment - Hall 4, Venue B (16:45–18:00) Chair: Georgios Paltoglou | |
16:45–17:10 | Sentence and Expression Level Annotation of Opinions in User-Generated Discourse Cigdem Toprak, Niklas Jakob and Iryna Gurevych |
17:10–17:35 | Generating Focused Topic-Specific Sentiment Lexicons Valentin Jijkoun, Maarten de Rijke and Wouter Weerkamp |
17:35–18:00 | Evaluating Multilanguage-Comparability of Subjectivity Analysis Systems Jungi Kim, Jin-Ji Li and Jong-Hyeok Lee |
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 | |
09:00–10:00 | Lifetime Achievement Award - Aula, Venue A |
10:00–10:30 | Coffee/Tea Break |
Translation - Aula, Venue A (10:30–11:45) Chair: Haifeng Wang | |
10:30–10:55 | Error Detection for Statistical Machine Translation Using Linguistic Features Deyi Xiong, Min Zhang and Haizhou Li |
10:55–11:20 | TrustRank: Inducing Trust in Automatic Translations via Ranking Radu Soricut and Abdessamad Echihabi |
11:20–11:45 | Bridging SMT and TM with Translation Recommendation Yifan He, Yanjun Ma, Josef van Genabith and Andy Way |
Information Extraction - Hall X, Venue A (10:30–11:45) Chair: Nianwen Xue | |
10:30–10:55 | On Jointly Recognizing and Aligning Bilingual Named Entities Yufeng Chen, Chengqing Zong and Keh-Yih Su |
10:55–11:20 | Generating Templates of Entity Summaries with an Entity-Aspect Model and Pattern Mining Peng Li, Jing Jiang and Yinglin Wang |
11:20–11:45 | Comparable Entity Mining from Comparative Questions Shasha Li, Chin-Yew Lin, Young-In Song and Zhoujun Li |
SRW - Hall IX, Venue A (10:30–11:45) | |
Resources - Hall 3, Venue B (10:30–11:45) Chair: Nancy Ide | |
10:30–10:55 | Towards Robust Multi-Tool Tagging. An OWL/DL-Based Approach Christian Chiarcos |
10:55–11:20 | Temporal Information Processing of a New Language: Fast Porting with Minimal Resources Francisco Costa and António Branco |
11:20–11:45 | A Taxonomy, Dataset, and Classifier for Automatic Noun Compound Interpretation Stephen Tratz and Eduard Hovy |
Discourse - Hall 4, Venue B (10:30–11:45) Chair: Peter Heeman | |
10:30–10:55 | Models of Metaphor in NLP Ekaterina Shutova |
10:55–11:20 | A Game-Theoretic Model of Metaphorical Bargaining Beata Beigman Klebanov and Eyal Beigman |
11:20–11:45 | Kernel Based Discourse Relation Recognition with Temporal Ordering Information WenTing Wang, Jian Su and Chew Lim Tan |
11:45–11:55 | Short Break |
Short Talks: Translation and Parsing - Aula, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Julia Hockenmaier | |
12:25–12:35 | Hierarchical Joint Learning: Improving Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition with Non-Jointly Labeled Data Jenny Rose Finkel and Christopher D. Manning |
12:35–12:45 | Detecting Errors in Automatically-Parsed Dependency Relations Markus Dickinson |
Short Talks: Machine Learning and Statistical Methods - Hall X, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Dekang Lin | |
12:45–12:55 | Boosting-Based System Combination for Machine Translation Tong Xiao, Jingbo Zhu, Muhua Zhu and Huizhen Wang |
12:55–13:05 | Fine-Grained Genre Classification Using Structural Learning Algorithms Zhili Wu, Katja Markert and Serge Sharoff |
Short Talks: Question Answering, Entailment and Sentiment - Hall IX, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Sanda Harabagiu | |
11:55–12:05 | Metadata-Aware Measures for Answer Summarization in Community Question Answering Mattia Tomasoni and Minlie Huang |
Short Talks: Morphology and Information Extraction - Hall 3, Venue B (11:55–13:15) Chair: Gosse Bouma | |
11:55–12:05 | A Hybrid Rule/Model-Based Finite-State Framework for Normalizing SMS Messages Richard Beaufort, Sophie Roekhaut, Louise-Amélie Cougnon and Cédrick Fairon |
12:05–12:15 | Letter-Phoneme Alignment: An Exploration Sittichai Jiampojamarn and Grzegorz Kondrak |
12:55–13:05 | Using Document Level Cross-Event Inference to Improve Event Extraction Shasha Liao and Ralph Grishman |
Short Talks: Speech, Multimodal, and Summarization - Hall 4, Venue B (11:55–13:15) Chair: Berlin Chen | |
12:15–12:25 | Now, Where Was I? Resumption Strategies for an In-Vehicle Dialogue System Jessica Villing |
12:35–12:45 | Learning to Follow Navigational Directions Adam Vogel and Daniel Jurafsky |
12:55–13:05 | A Hybrid Hierarchical Model for Multi-Document Summarization Asli Celikyilmaz and Dilek Hakkani-Tur |
Posters and Lunch - Foyer, Venue A (13:15–15:00) | |
Question Answering and Entailment (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Metadata-Aware Measures for Answer Summarization in Community Question Answering Mattia Tomasoni and Minlie Huang |
Sentiment (13:15–15:00) | |
Morphology (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | A Hybrid Rule/Model-Based Finite-State Framework for Normalizing SMS Messages Richard Beaufort, Sophie Roekhaut, Louise-Amelie Cougnon and Cedrick Fairon |
13:15–15:00 | Letter-Phoneme Alignment: An Exploration Sittichai Jiampojamarn and Grzegorz Kondrak |
Speech and Multimodal (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Now, Where Was I? Resumption Strategies for an In-Vehicle Dialogue System Jessica Villing |
13:15–15:00 | Learning to Follow Navigational Directions Adam Vogel and Dan Jurafsky |
Translation (13:15–15:00) | |
Parsing (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Hierarchical Joint Learning: Improving Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition with Non-Jointly Labeled Data Jenny Rose Finkel and Christopher D. Manning |
13:15–15:00 | Detecting Errors in Automatically-Parsed Dependency Relations Markus Dickinson |
Information Extraction (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Using Document Level Cross-Event Inference to Improve Event Extraction Shasha Liao and Ralph Grishman |
Machine Learning and Statistical Methods (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Boosting-Based System Combination for Machine Translation Tong Xiao, Jingbo Zhu, Muhua Zhu and Huizhen Wang |
13:15–15:00 | Fine-Grained Genre Classification Using Structural Learning Algorithms Zhili Wu, Katja Markert and Serge Sharoff |
Summarization (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | A Hybrid Hierarchical Model for Multi-Document Summarization Asli Celikyilmaz and Dilek Hakkani-Tur |
Translation and Multilinguality - Aula, Venue A (15:00–16:15) Chair: Marine Carpuat | |
15:00–15:25 | Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Monolingual Collocation Zhanyi Liu, Haifeng Wang, Hua Wu and Sheng Li |
15:25–15:50 | Bilingual Sense Similarity for Statistical Machine Translation Boxing Chen, George Foster and Roland Kuhn |
15:50–16:15 | Untangling the Cross-Lingual Link Structure of Wikipedia Gerard de Melo and Gerhard Weikum |
Machine Learning - Hall X, Venue A (15:00–16:15) Chair: Joseph Turian | |
15:00–15:25 | Bucking the Trend: Large-Scale Cost-Focused Active Learning for Statistical Machine Translation Michael Bloodgood and Chris Callison-Burch |
15:25–15:50 | Creating Robust Supervised Classifiers via Web-Scale N-Gram Data Shane Bergsma, Emily Pitler and Dekang Lin |
15:50–16:15 | Convolution Kernel over Packed Parse Forest Min Zhang, Hui Zhang and Haizhou Li |
Language Learning and Models of Language - Hall IX, Venue A (15:00–16:15) Chair: Alex Clark | |
15:00–15:25 | Estimating Strictly Piecewise Distributions Jeffrey Heinz and James Rogers |
15:25–15:50 | String Extension Learning Jeffrey Heinz |
15:50–16:15 | Compositional Matrix-Space Models of Language Sebastian Rudolph and Eugenie Giesbrecht |
Summarization - Hall 3, Venue B (15:00–16:15) Chair: Bonnie Webber | |
15:00–15:25 | Cross-Language Document Summarization Based on Machine Translation Quality Prediction Xiaojun Wan, Huiying Li and Jianguo Xiao |
15:25–15:50 | A New Approach to Improving Multilingual Summarization Using a Genetic Algorithm Marina Litvak, Mark Last and Menahem Friedman |
15:50–16:15 | Bayesian Synchronous Tree-Substitution Grammar Induction and Its Application to Sentence Compression Elif Yamangil and Stuart M. Shieber |
Semantics - Hall 4, Venue B (15:00–16:15) Chair: Katrin Erk | |
15:00–15:25 | Contextualizing Semantic Representations Using Syntactically Enriched Vector Models Stefan Thater, Hagen Fürstenau and Manfred Pinkal |
15:25–15:50 | Bootstrapping Semantic Analyzers from Non-Contradictory Texts Ivan Titov and Mikhail Kozhevnikov |
15:50–16:15 | Open-Domain Semantic Role Labeling by Modeling Word Spans Fei Huang and Alexander Yates |
16:15–16:45 | Coffee/Tea Break |
Semantics - Aula, Venue A (16:45–17:35) Chair: Joyce Chai | |
16:45–17:10 | Learning Script Knowledge with Web Experiments Michaela Regneri, Alexander Koller and Manfred Pinkal |
17:10–17:35 | Starting from Scratch in Semantic Role Labeling Michael Connor, Yael Gertner, Cynthia Fisher and Dan Roth |
Dialogue - Hall X, Venue A (16:45–17:35) Chair: Adam Vogel | |
16:45–17:10 | Modeling Norms of Turn-Taking in Multi-Party Conversation Kornel Laskowski |
17:10–17:35 | Optimising Information Presentation for Spoken Dialogue Systems Verena Rieser, Oliver Lemon and Xingkun Liu |
Historical Linguistics - Hall IX, Venue A (16:45–17:35) Chair: Steven Bird | |
16:45–17:10 | Combining Data and Mathematical Models of Language Change Morgan Sonderegger and Partha Niyogi |
17:10–17:35 | Finding Cognate Groups Using Phylogenies David Hall and Dan Klein |
Decipherment - Hall 3, Venue B (16:45–17:35) Chair: Phillip Koehn | |
16:45–17:10 | An Exact A* Method for Deciphering Letter-Substitution Ciphers Eric Corlett and Gerald Penn |
17:10–17:35 | A Statistical Model for Lost Language Decipherment Benjamin Snyder, Regina Barzilay and Kevin Knight |
Tree Transducers - Hall 4, Venue B (16:45–17:35) Chair: Mark Johnson | |
16:45–17:10 | Efficient Inference through Cascades of Weighted Tree Transducers Jonathan May, Kevin Knight and Heiko Vogler |
17:10–17:35 | A Tree Transducer Model for Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars Andreas Maletti |
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 | |
Invited Talk - Aula, Venue A (09:00–10:00) Chair: Stephen Clark | |
09:00–10:00 | Computational Advertising, by Andrei Broder |
10:00–10:30 | Coffee/Tea Break |
Parsing - Aula, Venue A (10:30–12:10) Chair: Jenny Rose Finkel | |
10:30–10:55 | Dynamic Programming for Linear-Time Incremental Parsing Liang Huang and Kenji Sagae |
10:55–11:20 | Hard Constraints for Grammatical Function Labelling Wolfgang Seeker, Ines Rehbein, Jonas Kuhn and Josef Van Genabith |
11:20–11:45 | Simple, Accurate Parsing with an All-Fragments Grammar Mohit Bansal and Dan Klein |
11:45–12:10 | Joint Syntactic and Semantic Parsing of Chinese Junhui Li, Guodong Zhou and Hwee Tou Ng |
Text Classification and Topic Models - Hall X, Venue A (10:30–12:10) Chair: Diarmuid O Seaghdha | |
10:30–10:55 | Cross-Language Text Classification Using Structural Correspondence Learning Peter Prettenhofer and Benno Stein |
10:55–11:20 | Cross-Lingual Latent Topic Extraction Duo Zhang, Qiaozhu Mei and ChengXiang Zhai |
11:20–11:45 | Topic Models for Word Sense Disambiguation and Token-Based Idiom Detection Linlin Li, Benjamin Roth and Caroline Sporleder |
11:45–12:10 | PCFGs, Topic Models, Adaptor Grammars and Learning Topical Collocations and the Structure of Proper Names Mark Johnson |
Psycholinguistics - Hall IX, Venue A (10:30–12:10) Chair: John Hale | |
10:30–10:55 | A Cognitive Cost Model of Annotations Based on Eye-Tracking Data Katrin Tomanek, Udo Hahn, Steffen Lohmann and Jürgen Ziegler |
10:55–11:20 | A Rational Model of Eye Movement Control in Reading Klinton Bicknell and Roger Levy |
11:20–11:45 | The Influence of Discourse on Syntax: A Psycholinguistic Model of Sentence Processing Amit Dubey |
11:45–12:10 | Complexity Metrics in an Incremental Right-Corner Parser Stephen Wu, Asaf Bachrach, Carlos Cardenas and William Schuler |
Semantics - Hall 3, Venue B (10:30–12:10) Chair: Lillian Lee | |
10:30–10:55 | “Ask Not What Textual Entailment Can Do for You...” Mark Sammons, V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran and Dan Roth |
10:55–11:20 | Assessing the Role of Discourse References in Entailment Inference Shachar Mirkin, Ido Dagan and Sebastian Pado |
11:20–11:45 | Global Learning of Focused Entailment Graphs Jonathan Berant, Ido Dagan and Jacob Goldberger |
11:45–12:10 | Modeling Semantic Relevance for Question-Answer Pairs in Web Social Communities Baoxun Wang, Xiaolong Wang, Chengjie Sun, Bingquan Liu and Lin Sun |
Multimodal - Hall 4, Venue B (10:30–12:10) Chair: Alexander Koller | |
10:30–10:55 | How Many Words Is a Picture Worth? Automatic Caption Generation for News Images Yansong Feng and Mirella Lapata |
10:55–11:20 | Generating Image Descriptions Using Dependency Relational Patterns Ahmet Aker and Robert Gaizauskas |
11:20–11:45 | Incorporating Extra-Linguistic Information into Reference Resolution in Collaborative Task Dialogue Ryu Iida, Syumpei Kobayashi and Takenobu Tokunaga |
11:45–12:10 | Reading between the Lines: Learning to Map High-Level Instructions to Commands S.R.K. Branavan, Luke Zettlemoyer and Regina Barzilay |
12:10–12:20 | Short Break |
12:20–13:20 | ACL Business Meeting - Aula, Venue A |
13:00–14:30 | Lunch - Foyer, Venue A |
Unsupervised Parsing and Grammar Induction - Aula, Venue A (14:30–15:45) Chair: Yusuke Miyao | |
14:30–14:55 | Profiting from Mark-Up: Hyper-Text Annotations for Guided Parsing Valentin I. Spitkovsky, Daniel Jurafsky and Hiyan Alshawi |
14:55–15:20 | Phylogenetic Grammar Induction Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick and Dan Klein |
15:20–15:45 | Improved Unsupervised POS Induction through Prototype Discovery Omri Abend, Roi Reichart and Ari Rappoport |
Information Extraction - Hall X, Venue A (14:30–15:45) Chair: James Curran | |
14:30–14:55 | Extraction and Approximation of Numerical Attributes from the Web Dmitry Davidov and Ari Rappoport |
14:55–15:20 | Learning Word-Class Lattices for Definition and Hypernym Extraction Roberto Navigli and Paola Velardi |
15:20–15:45 | On Learning Subtypes of the Part-Whole Relation: Do Not Mix Your Seeds Ashwin Ittoo and Gosse Bouma |
Information Retrieval - Hall IX, Venue A (14:30–15:45) Chair: Christof Monz | |
14:30–14:55 | Understanding the Semantic Structure of Noun Phrase Queries Xiao Li |
14:55–15:20 | Multilingual Pseudo-Relevance Feedback: Performance Study of Assisting Languages Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla, Karthik Raman and Pushpak Bhattacharyya |
15:20–15:45 | Wikipedia as Sense Inventory to Improve Diversity in Web Search Results Celina Santamaría, Julio Gonzalo and Javier Artiles |
Sentiment - Hall 3, Venue B (14:30–15:45) Chair: Drago Radev | |
14:30–14:55 | A Unified Graph Model for Sentence-Based Opinion Retrieval Binyang Li, Lanjun Zhou, Shi Feng and Kam-Fai Wong |
14:55–15:20 | Generating Fine-Grained Reviews of Songs from Album Reviews Swati Tata and Barbara Di Eugenio |
15:20–15:45 | A Study of Information Retrieval Weighting Schemes for Sentiment Analysis Georgios Paltoglou and Mike Thelwall |
Discourse - Hall 4, Venue B (14:30–15:45) Chair: Jian Su | |
14:30–14:55 | Supervised Noun Phrase Coreference Research: The First Fifteen Years Vincent Ng |
14:55–15:20 | Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution with Rich Linguistic Features Cosmin Bejan and Sanda Harabagiu |
15:20–15:45 | Coreference Resolution across Corpora: Languages, Coding Schemes, and Preprocessing Information Marta Recasens and Eduard Hovy |
15:45–16:15 | Coffee/Tea Break |
Translation - Aula, Venue A (16:15–17:30) Chair: Min Zhang | |
16:15–16:40 | Constituency to Dependency Translation with Forests Haitao Mi and Qun Liu |
16:40–17:05 | Learning to Translate with Source and Target Syntax David Chiang |
17:05–17:30 | Discriminative Modeling of Extraction Sets for Machine Translation John DeNero and Dan Klein |
Information Extraction - Hall X, Venue A (16:15–17:30) Chair: Massimo Poesio | |
16:15–16:40 | Detecting Experiences from Weblogs Keun Chan Park, Yoonjae Jeong and Sung Hyon Myaeng |
16:40–17:05 | Experiments in Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning Methods for Class-Instance Acquisition Partha Pratim Talukdar and Fernando Pereira |
17:05–17:30 | Learning Arguments and Supertypes of Semantic Relations Using Recursive Patterns Zornitsa Kozareva and Eduard Hovy |
Parsing and Grammars - Hall IX, Venue A (16:15–17:30) Chair: David Weir | |
16:15–16:40 | A Transition-Based Parser for 2-Planar Dependency Structures Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez and Joakim Nivre |
16:40–17:05 | Viterbi Training for PCFGs: Hardness Results and Competitiveness of Uniform Initialization Shay Cohen and Noah A. Smith |
17:05–17:30 | A Generalized-Zero-Preserving Method for Compact Encoding of Concept Lattices Matthew Skala, Victoria Krakovna, János Kramár and Gerald Penn |
Word Sense Disambiguation - Hall 3, Venue B (16:15–17:30) Chair: Sebastian Pado | |
16:15–16:40 | Knowledge-Rich Word Sense Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Systems Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Roberto Navigli |
16:40–17:05 | All Words Domain Adapted WSD: Finding a Middle Ground between Supervision and Unsupervision Mitesh Khapra, Anup Kulkarni, Saurabh Sohoney and Pushpak Bhattacharyya |
17:05–17:30 | Combining Orthogonal Monolingual and Multilingual Sources of Evidence for All Words WSD Weiwei Guo and Mona Diab |
Generation - Hall 4, Venue B (16:15–17:30) Chair: Johanna Moore | |
16:15–16:40 | Phrase-Based Statistical Language Generation Using Graphical Models and Active Learning Francois Mairesse, Milica Gasic, Filip Jurcicek, Simon Keizer, Blaise Thomson, Kai Yu and Steve Young |
16:40–17:05 | Plot Induction and Evolutionary Search for Story Generation Neil McIntyre and Mirella Lapata |
17:05–17:30 | Automated Planning for Situated Natural Language Generation Konstantina Garoufi and Alexander Koller |
17:30–17:40 | Short Break |
Best Paper Talk - Aula, Venue A (17:40–18:15) Chair: Stephen Clark | |
17:40–17:50 | Best Paper Awards Ceremony |
17:50–18:15 | Beyond NomBank: A Study of Implicit Arguments for Nominal Predicates Matthew Gerber and Joyce Chai |
Closing - Aula, Venue A (18:15–18:30) |