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Front matter |
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The CoNLL-2010 Shared Task: Learning to Detect Hedges and their Scope in Natural Language Text Richárd Farkas, Veronika Vincze, György Móra, János Csirik and György Szarvas |
pp. 1–12 |
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A Cascade Method for Detecting Hedges and their Scope in Natural Language Text Buzhou Tang, Xiaolong Wang, Xuan Wang, Bo Yuan and Shixi Fan |
pp. 13–17 |
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Detecting Speculative Language Using Syntactic Dependencies and Logistic Regression Andreas Vlachos and Mark Craven |
pp. 18–25 |
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A Hedgehop over a Max-Margin Framework Using Hedge Cues Maria Georgescul |
pp. 26–31 |
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Detecting Hedge Cues and their Scopes with Average Perceptron Feng Ji, Xipeng Qiu and Xuanjing Huang |
pp. 32–39 |
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Memory-Based Resolution of In-Sentence Scopes of Hedge Cues Roser Morante, Vincent Van Asch and Walter Daelemans |
pp. 40–47 |
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Resolving Speculation: MaxEnt Cue Classification and Dependency-Based Scope Rules Erik Velldal, Lilja Øvrelid and Stephan Oepen |
pp. 48–55 |
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Combining Manual Rules and Supervised Learning for Hedge Cue and Scope Detection Marek Rei and Ted Briscoe |
pp. 56–63 |
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Hedge Detection Using the RelHunter Approach Eraldo Fernandes, Carlos Crestana and Ruy Milidiú |
pp. 64–69 |
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A High-Precision Approach to Detecting Hedges and their Scopes Halil Kilicoglu and Sabine Bergler |
pp. 70–77 |
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Exploiting Rich Features for Detecting Hedges and their Scope Xinxin Li, Jianping Shen, Xiang Gao and Xuan Wang |
pp. 78–83 |
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Uncertainty Detection as Approximate Max-Margin Sequence Labelling Oscar Täckström, Sumithra Velupillai, Martin Hassel, Gunnar Eriksson, Hercules Dalianis and Jussi Karlgren |
pp. 84–91 |
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Hedge Detection and Scope Finding by Sequence Labeling with Procedural Feature Selection Shaodian Zhang, Hai Zhao, Guodong Zhou and Bao-Liang Lu |
pp. 92–99 |
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Learning to Detect Hedges and their Scope Using CRF Qi Zhao, Chengjie Sun, Bingquan Liu and Yong Cheng |
pp. 100–105 |
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Exploiting Multi-Features to Detect Hedges and their Scope in Biomedical Texts Huiwei Zhou, Xiaoyan Li, Degen Huang, Zezhong Li and Yuansheng Yang |
pp. 106–113 |
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A Lucene and Maximum Entropy Model Based Hedge Detection System Lin Chen and Barbara Di Eugenio |
pp. 114–119 |
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HedgeHunter: A System for Hedge Detection and Uncertainty Classification David Clausen |
pp. 120–125 |
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Exploiting CCG Structures with Tree Kernels for Speculation Detection Liliana Mamani Sánchez, Baoli Li and Carl Vogel |
pp. 126–131 |
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Uncertainty Learning Using SVMs and CRFs Vinodkumar Prabhakaran |
pp. 132–137 |
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Features for Detecting Hedge Cues Nobuyuki Shimizu and Hiroshi Nakagawa |
pp. 138–143 |
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A Simple Ensemble Method for Hedge Identification Ferenc Szidarovszky, Illés Solt and Domonkos Tikk |
pp. 144–147 |
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A Baseline Approach for Detecting Sentences Containing Uncertainty Erik Tjong Kim Sang |
pp. 148–150 |
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Hedge Classification with Syntactic Dependency Features Based on an Ensemble Classifier Yi Zheng, Qifeng Dai, Qiming Luo and Enhong Chen |
pp. 151–156 |
Last modified on June 19, 2010, 0:55 a.m.