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Front matter |
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EmotiBlog: A Finer-Grained and More Precise Learning of Subjectivity Expression Models Ester Boldrini, Alexandra Balahur, Patricio Martínez-Barco and Andrés Montoyo |
pp. 1–10 |
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Error-Tagged Learner Corpus of Czech Jirka Hana, Alexandr Rosen, Svatava Škodová and Barbora Štindlová |
pp. 11–19 |
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Annotation Scheme for Social Network Extraction from Text Apoorv Agarwal, Owen C. Rambow and Rebecca J. Passonneau |
pp. 20–28 |
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Agile Corpus Annotation in Practice: An Overview of Manual and Automatic Annotation of CVs Bea Alex, Claire Grover, Rongzhou Shen and Mijail Kabadjov |
pp. 29–37 |
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Consistency Checking for Treebank Alignment Markus Dickinson and Yvonne Samuelsson |
pp. 38–46 |
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Anveshan: A Framework for Analysis of Multiple Annotators’ Labeling Behavior Vikas Bhardwaj, Rebecca Passonneau, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi and Nancy Ide |
pp. 47–55 |
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Influence of Pre-Annotation on POS-Tagged Corpus Development Karën Fort and Benoît Sagot |
pp. 56–63 |
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To Annotate More Accurately or to Annotate More Dmitriy Dligach, Rodney Nielsen and Martha Palmer |
pp. 64–72 |
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Annotating Underquantification Aurelie Herbelot and Ann Copestake |
pp. 73–81 |
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PropBank Annotation of Multilingual Light Verb Constructions Jena D. Hwang, Archna Bhatia, Claire Bonial, Aous Mansouri, Ashwini Vaidya, Nianwen Xue and Martha Palmer |
pp. 82–90 |
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Retrieving Correct Semantic Boundaries in Dependency Structure Jinho Choi and Martha Palmer |
pp. 91–99 |
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Complex Predicates Annotation in a Corpus of Portuguese Iris Hendrickx, Amália Mendes, Sílvia Pereira, Anabela Gonçalves and Inês Duarte |
pp. 100–108 |
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Using an Online Tool for the Documentation of Edo Language Ota Ogie |
pp. 109–112 |
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Cross-Lingual Validity of PropBank in the Manual Annotation of French Lonneke van der Plas, Tanja Samardzic and Paola Merlo |
pp. 113–117 |
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Characteristics of High Agreement Affect Annotation in Text Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm |
pp. 118–122 |
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The Deep Re-Annotation in a Chinese Scientific Treebank Kun Yu, Xiangli Wang, Yusuke Miyao, Takuya Matsuzaki and Jun’ichi Tsujii |
pp. 123–126 |
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The Unified Annotation of Syntax and Discourse in the Copenhagen Dependency Treebanks Matthias Buch-Kromann and Iørn Korzen |
pp. 127–131 |
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Identifying Sources of Inter-Annotator Variation: Evaluating Two Models of Argument Analysis Barbara White |
pp. 132–136 |
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Dependency-Based PropBanking of Clinical Finnish Katri Haverinen, Filip Ginter, Timo Viljanen, Veronika Laippala and Tapio Salakoski |
pp. 137–141 |
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Building the Syntactic Reference Corpus of Medieval French Using NotaBene RDF Annotation Tool Nicolas Mazziotta |
pp. 142–146 |
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Chunking German: An Unsolved Problem Sandra Kübler, Kathrin Beck, Erhard Hinrichs and Heike Telljohann |
pp. 147–151 |
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Proposal for MWE Annotation in Running Text Iris Hendrickx, Amália Mendes and Sandra Antunes |
pp. 152–156 |
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A Feature Type Classification for Therapeutic Purposes: A Preliminary Evaluation with Non-Expert Speakers Gianluca E. Lebani and Emanuele Pianta |
pp. 157–161 |
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Annotating Korean Demonstratives Sun-Hee Lee and Jae-young Song |
pp. 162–165 |
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Creating and Exploiting a Resource of Parallel Parses Christian Chiarcos, Kerstin Eckart and Julia Ritz |
pp. 166–171 |
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From Descriptive Annotation to Grammar Specification Lars Hellan |
pp. 172–176 |
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An Annotation Schema for Preposition Senses in German Antje Müller, Olaf Hülscher, Claudia Roch, Katja Keßelmeier, Tobias Stadtfeld, Jan Strunk and Tibor Kiss |
pp. 177–181 |
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OTTO: A Transcription and Management Tool for Historical Texts Stefanie Dipper, Lara Kresse, Martin Schnurrenberger and Seong-Eun Cho |
pp. 182–185 |
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Multimodal Annotation of Conversational Data Philippe Blache, Roxane Bertrand, Emmanuel Bruno, Brigitte Bigi, Robert Espesser, Gaelle Ferre, Mathilde Guardiola, Daniel Hirst, Ning Tan, Edlira Cela, Jean-Claude Martin, Stéphane Rauzy, Mary-Annick Morel, Elisabeth Murisasco and Irina Nesterenko |
pp. 186–191 |
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Combining Parallel Treebanks and Geo-Tagging Martin Volk, Anne Goehring and Torsten Marek |
pp. 192–196 |
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Challenges of Cheap Resource Creation Jirka Hana and Anna Feldman |
pp. 197–201 |
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Discourse Relation Configurations in Turkish and an Annotation Environment Berfin Aktaş, Cem Bozşahin and Deniz Zeyrek |
pp. 202–206 |
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An Overview of the CRAFT Concept Annotation Guidelines Michael Bada, Miriam Eckert, Martha Palmer and Lawrence Hunter |
pp. 207–211 |
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Syntactic Tree Queries in Prolog Gerlof Bouma |
pp. 212–216 |
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An Integrated Tool for Annotating Historical Corpora Pablo Picasso Feliciano de Faria, Fabio Natanael Kepler and Maria Clara Paixão de Sousa |
pp. 217–221 |
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The Revised Arabic PropBank Wajdi Zaghouani, Mona Diab, Aous Mansouri, Sameer Pradhan and Martha Palmer |
pp. 222–226 |
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PackPlay: Mining Semantic Data in Collaborative Games Nathan Green, Paul Breimyer, Vinay Kumar and Nagiza Samatova |
pp. 227–234 |
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A Proposal for a Configurable Silver Standard Udo Hahn, Katrin Tomanek, Elena Beisswanger and Erik Faessler |
pp. 235–242 |
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A Hybrid Model for Annotating Named Entity Training Corpora Robert Voyer, Valerie Nygaard, Will Fitzgerald and Hannah Copperman |
pp. 243–246 |
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Anatomy of Annotation Schemes: Mapping to GrAF Nancy Ide and Harry Bunt |
pp. 247–255 |
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Annotating Participant Reference in English Spoken Conversation John Niekrasz and Johanna D. Moore |
pp. 256–264 |
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Design and Evaluation of Shared Prosodic Annotation for Spontaneous French Speech: From Expert Knowledge to Non-Expert Annotation Anne Lacheret-Dujour, Nicolas Obin and Mathieu Avanzi |
pp. 265–273 |
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Depends on What the French Say - Spoken Corpus Annotation with and beyond Syntactic Functions José Deulofeu, Lucie Duffort, Kim Gerdes, Sylvain Kahane and Paola Pietrandrea |
pp. 274–281 |
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The Annotation Scheme of the Turkish Discourse Bank and an Evaluation of Inconsistent Annotations Deniz Zeyrek, Işin Demirşahin, Ayişigi Sevdik-Çalli, Hale Ögel Balaban, Yalçinkaya and Ümit Deniz Turan |
pp. 282–289 |
Last modified on June 25, 2010, 4:59 a.m.