Friday, July 16, 2010 |
| Session 1: Oral |
9:00–9:15 | Opening Remarks: A. Kumaran and Haizhou Li |
| Report of NEWS 2010 Transliteration Generation Shared Task
Haizhou Li, A Kumaran, Min Zhang and Vladimir Pervouchine |
| Whitepaper of NEWS 2010 Shared Task on Transliteration Generation
Haizhou Li, A Kumaran, Min Zhang and Vladimir Pervouchine |
| Report of NEWS 2010 Transliteration Mining Shared Task
A Kumaran, Mitesh M. Khapra and Haizhou Li |
| Whitepaper of NEWS 2010 Shared Task on Transliteration Mining
A Kumaran, Mitesh M. Khapra and Haizhou Li |
9:15–10:00 | Keynote Speech: Dan Roth |
10:00–10:30 | Transliteration Generation and Mining with Limited Training Resources
Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Kenneth Dwyer, Shane Bergsma, Aditya Bhargava, Qing Dou, Mi-Young Kim and Grzegorz Kondrak |
10:30–11:00 | Morning Break |
| Session 2: Oral |
11:00–11:20 | Transliteration Using a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation System to Re-Score the Output of a Joint Multigram Model
Andrew Finch and Eiichiro Sumita |
11:20–11:40 | Transliteration Mining with Phonetic Conflation and Iterative Training
Kareem Darwish |
| Session 3: Poster |
11:40–12:40 | Poster Presentation |
| Language Independent Transliteration Mining System Using Finite State Automata Framework
Sara Noeman and Amgad Madkour |
| Reranking with Multiple Features for Better Transliteration
Yan Song, Chunyu Kit and Hai Zhao |
| Syllable-Based Thai-English Machine Transliteration
Chai Wutiwiwatchai and Ausdang Thangthai |
| English to Indian Languages Machine Transliteration System at NEWS 2010
Amitava Das, Tanik Saikh, Tapabrata Mondal, Asif Ekbal and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay |
| Mining Transliterations from Wikipedia Using Pair HMMs
Peter Nabende |
| Phrase-Based Transliteration with Simple Heuristics
Avinesh PVS and Ankur Parikh |
12:40–14:00 | Lunch Break |
| Session 4: Oral |
14:00–14:20 | Classifying Wikipedia Articles into NE’s Using SVM’s with Threshold Adjustment
Iman Saleh, Kareem Darwish and Aly Fahmy |
14:20–14:40 | Assessing the Challenge of Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition and Classification
Asif Ekbal, Eva Sourjikova, Anette Frank and Simone Paolo Ponzetto |
14:40–15:00 | Using Deep Belief Nets for Chinese Named Entity Categorization
Yu Chen, You Ouyang, Wenjie Li, Dequan Zheng and Tiejun Zhao |
15:00–15:20 | Simplified Feature Set for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Ahmed Abdul Hamid and Kareem Darwish |
15:20–16:00 | Lunch Break |
| Session 5: Oral |
16:00–16:20 | Think Globally, Apply Locally: Using Distributional Characteristics for Hindi Named Entity Identification
Shalini Gupta and Pushpak Bhattacharyya |
16:20–16:40 | Rule-Based Named Entity Recognition in Urdu
Kashif Riaz |
16:40–17:00 | CONE: Metrics for Automatic Evaluation of Named Entity Co-Reference Resolution
Bo Lin, Rushin Shah, Robert Frederking and Anatole Gershman |