[Working Items for Publication Committee & Workshops Book Chairs (tentative)]

	- Rev 3.9.1: 2020-12-22 14:18 GMT+8 (for acl-ijcnlp2021)
		- update publication schedule for Workshops
		- add a link to ACLPUB docs in github.io by ACL 2014 Publication Chairs (12-28 13:07)

	- Rev 3.9.0: 2020-11-27 08:03 GMT+8 (for acl-ijcnlp2021)
		- copied from acl2010 Woring Items for acl-ijcnlp2021
		- (for now, only) update Important Dates for acl-ijcnlp2021
		- this is a tentative and early working draft for ACL-IJCNLP 2021 only, the other details are not yet fully confirmed
		- we have to revise this according to practices for the past few ACL conferences

[Contents of Publications]

	* paper proceedings will not be printed this year (2010)
		- only CD-ROM/USB Memory Card will be physically produced
		- this does not affect the compilation of their CD-ROM image
		- proceedings are compiled and put into CD-ROM as usual but not printed
		- the term "CD-ROM" here may refer to "USB Memory Card" or any other new media
			that will be used to integrate all individual proceedings

	+ a two-volume main book (for regular papers)

	+ a companion volume (for other papers), physically binding:
		+ short papers proceedings
		- student research workshop (SRW) proceedings
			- has the same important dates as main conference
				- except camera-ready copy
			- compiled by SRW co-chairs or its book chair(s)
		+ demos
		+ tutorial abstracts

        + 1 proceedings CD (for main conference and workshops papers, including CoNLL papers)
		+ one "root" index.html for pointing to main and workshop
			- each main/workshop subdirectory includes:
				- one index.html (paper index)
				- one program.html (conference program, time schedule)
				- one authors.html (author index)

        - 13 workshops proceedings (for workshop papers)
		- compiled by book chair of each individual workshop
			- the book chairs will be a program chair
				if not assigned a different person

	- CoNLL proceedings
		- by publication chair(s) of CoNLL
		- using the same cover design with different book title

        - conference program manuals (local arrangement & information)
		- by local committee


(1) The publication committee is responsible for publications with the
	'+' signs in the above list of contents, including:
	- main book
	- short papers (in companion volume)
	- demo/tutorial abstracts
	- index/program/authors htmls
		for CD-ROM root, main and short directories

	* For details, see the contents of "workshop proceedings"
		in later sections.

(2) The publication committee is also responsible for:

	- watching carefully each important date
		- and see if there is anything related to publications
		- remind other committees about any publication actions
			they need to take before important dates

	- help book chairs to compile their own proceedings & CDROM indexes
		- general guides in book contents
		- tools, docs and instructions that might be useful

	- contact with:
		- local committee: for local information & cover design
		- local printer: for publication process
		- ACL office: for ISBN numbers of each book (given book title) 
		- program chairs: for
			- submitted PDF's (final.tgz)
			- metadata for generating TOC & indexes
		- program & general chairs: for prefaces of the proceedings
		- previous publication chairs: for assistance

(3) Other workshop chairs (including SRW) are responsible for compiling
	their own PDF proceedings and their own CD-ROM sub-directories:
	(one or more "book chairs" can be assigned for compiling the proceedings
	if the workshop chair(s) is not going to do that).

	- Contents of workshop proceedings:

	* one full PDF version that combines all pdf files from authors
		and other additional information
		- will be used for printing (*) the hard copy proceedings, including:
			- * ACL-2010 will not really print the paper copy

		- front/back covers and spine:
			- will be provided by publication committee
			- with a different book title for each workshop
			- book titles will be coordinated by publication committee

		- title page:
			- name of the workshop/conference
			- a brief & black-and-white version of the front cover

		- copyright page of the proceedings:
			- publisher name, ISBN: will be supplied by the publication committee
			- book chairs can add LOGO's of their own sponsors here

		- front matters (TOC, program, organization, ...), typical elements are:
			- TOC (Table of contents): paper titles, authors, page numbers
			- preface(s) from organizer (General chair(s), PC chair(s), ...)
			- organizers (& members)
			- program committee (& members)
			- conference program:
				- date, time, sessions, papers & authors in each sessions
				- sorted by date/time, put parallel sessions together

			* You may include or exclude some of the front matters
				depending on your workshop profile.

			* copyright page & front matters have a different page numbering
				style (lower case roman) as normal papers do (arabic).

		- pdf papers:
			- sorted by the time of presentation
			  as indicated in the "conference program"
			- paper size: A4 formatted (this year for ACL-2010)
			- add page numbers to each page
			- add a citation stamp (e.g., "Proceedings of ... pages ...")
				at the bottom of the first page of each paper

		- back matters (author index):
			- authors, page numbers

		- bookmarks: (at the left hand side of the compiled PDF proceedings)
			- one title for each paper pointing to the beginning of each paper
			- section titles pointing to sections in the front and back matters if possible
			- the paper titles in TOC & program schedule
				should also be able to point to the right beginning pages

		* The ACLPUB package can help generate the page numbers, citation stamps,
			TOC, program schedule and author index. It also provides the required
			templates for the front matters. You may only need a few manual editing
			to the templates and metadata acquired from the START/SOFTCONF system.

	- Contents of CD-ROM sub-directory for each workshop:
		* each workshop (including main conference) will have a sub-directory
			in the conference CD-ROM for browsing, including:

		- the full PDF proceedings
			- as indicated above, also for printing hard copy
			- ACL-2010: the hard copy proceedings will not really be printed

		- individual pdf files from authors
			- will be included in the CD-ROM for browsing by participants
			- renamed/re-numbered to reflect the final sorting order
				of the program schedule

		- bibliography files (in BibTeX)
			- one for each paper for readers to cite each paper easily
			- see the online [Templates of the CDROM Image] for format
			- the url field to ACL anthology will be provided by the publication chairs

		- combined bibliography file:
			- for all papers (by concatenating the above bibliography files)

		- html index files pointing to the whole volume or the individual files:
			- index.html : main index file
			- program.html : program schedule
			- authors.html : author indexes

			* See the online [Templates of the CDROM Image] for the formats
				of the html files

			* The html files will use a common standard style sheet definition
				at the root directory of the CD-ROM
				for defining the colors and fonts ... of the above html files.

			* It will normally be included in the following syntax
				<link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="../standard.css">.

			* You can copy one from the online template, and put it to
				its immediate parent directory (i.e., the expected root
				directory of the CD-ROM) for local testing.

		- The CD-ROM directory structure will then look like this (assuming ACL
			is the directory for main conference, and we have only one workshop,
			called WS):

			* The sub-directory name and filename prefixes are defined by 'abbr'
				in 'proceedings/meta' when you 'make cdrom' using ACLPUB.

			- /standard.css	: common style sheet used by all sub-directories
			- /index.html	: global index file
			- /authors.html	: global author index
			- /(other files) : other additional files

			- /ACL/ACL-2010-1.pdf (Full proceedings, Volume 1)
			- /ACL/ACL-2010-2.pdf (Full proceedings, Volume 2)
			- /ACL/ACL-2010-C.pdf (Companion Volume)
			- /ACL/ACL-2010.bib (all bib files, combined)

			- /ACL/pdf/ACL000.pdf (front matter)
			- /ACL/pdf/ACL001.pdf ...  ACL???.pdf (papers, the last file being author index)

			- /ACL/bib/ACL*.bib (individual bib files, 00: for the book)

			- /ACL/index.html (index file for all papers in main proceedings)
			- /ACL/program.html (program schedule for main conference)
			- /ACL/authors.html (author indexes for main proceedings)

			- /WS/WS-2010.pdf (full workshop proceedings)
			- /WS/WS-2010.bib (all bib files, combined)

			- /WS/pdf/WS00.pdf (front matter)
			- /WS/pdf/WS01.pdf ...  WS??.pdf (workshop papers, the last file being author index)

			- /WS/bib/WS*.bib (individual bib files, 00: for the book)

			- /WS/index.html (index file for all papers in workshop proceedings)
			- /WS/program.html (program schedule for workshop conference)
			- /WS/authors.html (author indexes for workshop proceedings)

	- SRW is also responsible for its own proceedings, and
		should submit the compiled volume to the publication chairs
		so it can be combined with other parts and be part of the
		companion volume.
		- excluding the front/back covers & spine
		- without an ISBN number in copyright page

	- the publication chairs will add a global index file, the standard stylesheet
		file and some additional files at the "root" directory (parent of all
		workshop sub-directories)
		- the global index file will create links to all "index.html" under
			all subdirectories

(4) Local committee should handled:
	- local information in program manual
	- local contact with local printer (this year)
	- cover design (this year)

(5) Camera-Ready Paper Submission:

- The program committee chairs or persons responsible for
	arranging the camera-ready paper submission should
	check the following items carefully after
	you start to accept camera-ready papers
	(soon after the notification of paper acceptance):

	- Be sure to include an e-version of the copyright transfer form
		in the final submission page for
		the authors to sign the copyright transfer form.

		- The PDF version of the ACL-2010 copyright transfer form
			is available at:
			under the "Information for Authors" =>
			"Instructions for preparing camera-ready papers" page.

			This form is not necessary unless the the PC chairs have
			difficulty in putting the form to the submission page.  

		- The names of the metadata fields in the final submission page should
			match the ACLPUB perl scripts exactly in order to process the
			metadata automatically if you (or the book chairs) are going
			to use ACLPUB to process the metadata.

	- Be sure to instruct the authors of the important formatting requirements
		(in http://acl2010.org/authors_final.html)
		and ask the authors to double check these formatting instructions
		so the camera-ready papers will not be returned for any formatting

		The instructions can be sent to the authors when you
		send the notification letter. It is also desirable to create a link
		in the final submission page pointing to the
			"Quick Check List for Camera-Ready Papers"
		paragraph in the above publication instructions page.

		This will reserve more time for the book chairs to compile
		the proceedings.

	- Ask the authors to sign the copyright transfer form if a submission is
		made without signing the form.

	- Ask the authors to re-submit the camera-ready paper if you find the
		submission has serious formatting problem. 

	- If the book chairs (who are responsible for compiling the proceedings)
		are not the program chairs (who are responsible for accepting
		the camera-ready papers), the book chairs should ask for a sample
		tar ball of the final papers and the metadata that will be
		required for compiling the proceedings automatically
		(e.g., title, authors, number of pages) as early as possible.

		Using the sample pdf files and metadata, the book chairs may
		find potential problems in compiling the proceedings as early as
		possible. If there is any problem with the current
		ACLPUB scripts and templates (if ACLPUB is used), the problem
		can also be fixed earlier.

[Templates of the CDROM Image]

	- 4 recent ACL proceedings: (available online)

	- http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/conf/CD/coling-acl06/
		- it's the joint COLING-ACL-2006 proceedings
		- a nice two-volume version, A4 formatted
		- IJCNLP-2008 (single main volume) used this template
		- ACL-IJCNLP-2009 also used this template for reference

	- http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/conf/CD/ACL-2008/
		- the ACL-2008 proceedings
		- will be consulted if coling-acl06 & acl-ijcnlp2009
			proceedings do not provide sufficient information

	- http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/ijcnlp2008/proceedings/CDROM/
		- the IJCNLP-2008 proceedings
		- following coling-acl-2006 CDROM style
		- PDF proceedings is manually compiled, not using ACLPUB

	- http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl-ijcnlp2009/proceedings/CDROM/
		- the ACL-IJCNLP-2009 proceedings
		- produced following the instructions of this document (Rev 2.4 and earlier)

		* We will use ACLPUB to generate the main proceedings that will
			be very close to this template.
		* If other special instructions are needed, we will let all book chairs know.

	- the full volumes in the CDROM's can be used to produce the hardcopy proceedings

[Summary: Book Contents (CD-ROM Subdirectory)]

	- individual pdf files, one for each paper
		- also one pdf for book index
			- prefaces, organization, TOC, program, ...
		- and one pdf for author index
		- ps files were generated in early years, but not now
			so we will not generate them this year
		- one (or two) full volume(s) including all pdf files

	- bib files (in BibTex), one for each paper
		- one full bib file, concating individual bib files

	- hardcopy proceedings:
		- include the individual pdf files 
		- sorted by the time of presentation !!
			- need program schedule to sort the files
		- include cover from publication/local committee
		- include front matters
			- prefaces, organization, TOC, program
		- include back matters
			- author index

	- Tools: ACLPUB package can help
		- See later section -- [Tools: ACLPUB] for a quick start
		- you can use professional version of Acrobat
			(not reader-only version of Acrobat Reader)
			for compiling the proceedings,
		- but it is not encouraged to do so
		- instead the ACLPUB package should automate most of the process
			and it is easy to re-run the scripts when any data
			is changed

Important Dates (ACL-IJCNLP2021)

Anonymity period begins: January 1, 2021
Abstract deadline
(long & short papers):
January 25, 2021
Submission deadline
(long & short papers):
February 1, 2021
Author response period: March 25-31, 2021
Notification of acceptance: May 5, 2021
Camera-ready due: June 1, 2021
Conference Days: August 1-6, 2021
[Important Dates for Publication Events] (ACL-IJCNLP2021)
[Important Dates] (in yyyy/mm/dd or mm/dd format)
before Submission/CFP
Style Filesbefore Submission/CFP 2/1
Camera-ready Instructionsbefore Notification 5/5
Copyright Transfer Agreementbefore Notification 5/5
 - prepared with 1st CFP
before Compilation
Book Titles5/* (before Camera-ready)
ISBN5/* (before Camera-ready)
Cover5/* (before Camera-ready)NA this year
Sponsors Logos5/* (before Camera-ready)
ACL Anthology PathsSee "References" (for Bibdata)
Preface invitation5/* (Notification~Camera-ready)
Program ScheduleNotification~Delivery to Publication Chairsfrom PC
Book Chairs Pre-Training
Letter to Workshop/Book Chairs: What and How5/* (Organization ~ Notification)
Letter to Book Chairs: Workshop Specific Meta Data5/* (ISBN~Camera-Ready)
Letter to Book Chairs: Pre-Checking and FAQ6/27 (before Delivery)D-7*5
Compilation/Publication Dates
Proceedings to Publication Chairs7/04D-7*4
Proceedings/Handbook to Local Printer7/11 (NA)D-7*3 (NA)
Proceedings/CDROM on site7/25D-7*1
Virtual Site Open7/25~7/31D-7*1~D-1
Conference D-day8/1 (Tutorial) (- 8/6)D
(REF: [Important Dates] for ACL-2010 Publication Events)

[Workshops Proceedings Publication Agenda]

			- for acl-2010

	- ??/??: Submission due
	- ??/??: Notification of acceptance
	- 05/16: Camera-ready paper due from authors to workshop organizers
		- some workshops do not follow this due
	- 06/13: Compiled CDROM and proceedings images due
		- from workshop book chairs to ACL-2010 publication chairs

	- 06/20: all proceedings materials to printing house

The schedule for compiling the workshops proceedings is tight.
So workshops book chairs are urged to become familiar with the ACLPUB
(or other tools) and practice it with a toy set of the papers
as early as possible.)

[Tools: ACLPUB] (A Quick Reference for ACLPUB on Linux)
	- See also [ACLPUB on START/SOFTCONF] for running ACLPUB in the START/SOFTCONF submission system

	- check out the package:
		- *DO NOT* use the official (JHU) ACLPUB, which can be checked out as follows:

			cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@ftp.clsp.jhu.edu:/aclpub checkout aclpub

			according to official ACLPUB documents you may have.

			- The above official package is for *Letter-size* proceedings.

		- For ACL-2010, which will generate *A4-size* proceedings,
			please download the special version of the ACLPUB tailored for
			A4-size proceedings, and with workshop-specific templates
			customized for your workshop, at
			We will refer it as ACLPUB-A4 or ACLPUB-A4-ACL2010 throughout this document.

	- first document to READ:
		- "ACLPUB HOWTO: Putting Together an ACL Proceedings Volume"
		- in doc/bookchairs/index08.html (or index.html)
		- *BUT* keep in mind to use the above special version of ACLPUB tailored for A4-sized proceedings.
		- Here is an online version of this document

	- installation & environment: (assuming C-Shell or tcsh)
		cd aclpub
		setenv ACLPUB $PWD
		md proceedings
		cp make/Makefile_bookchair proceedings/Makefile
		cd proceedings
		make perl-modules		# check if you have required PERL modules
		make unpack-perl-modules	# get & install required PERL modules, if not
		setenv PERL5LIB $PWD/Compress-Zlib-1.34/lib:$PWD/Text-PDF-0.29/lib
		(export PERL5LIB=$PWD/Compress-Zlib-1.34/lib:$PWD/Text-PDF-0.29/lib:$PERL5LIB   # in sh or bash)

		- the ACLPUB and PERL5LIB environment variables should be set every time you want to use ACLPUB
			- set them in a login script, such as ~/.cshrc, will automatically do it for each login

		- for manual pages on PDF & Zlib functions
			- either copy the ./*/*/man3 directory to a default manpath, or
			- setenv MANPATH $PWD/Compress-Zlib-1.34/blib:$PWD/Text-PDF-0.29/blib:$MANPATH, or
			- setenv MANPATH $PWD/Compress-Zlib-1.34/blib:$PWD/Text-PDF-0.29/blib (if $MANPATH was null)
			- check 'man man' to see how the manpaths can be configured if not working

		- Get your workshop-specific templates customized for your workshop
			- assuming that you are the bookchair of WS06 (NLPLING):

			- # [Get your workshop-specific templates: Method-I]
			- # titlepage.tex, copyright.tex, citation-stamp.tex, meta (for CDROM)

			- cd $ACLPUB/templates
			- rm my.workshop
			- # remove the symbolic link pointing to the default set
			- # of workshop specific *.tex templates
			- # (default: now set to the main conference's templates)

			- ln -s local/wks.2010/ws06 my.workshop
			- # seelct the workshop-sepcific templates for WS06 (NLPLING)
			- # by pointing the "my.workshop" symbolic link to the WS06
			- # directory

			- cd $ACLPUB/proceedings
			- # goto your working directory

			- touch $ACLPUB/templates/local/wks.2010/ws06/*
			# change the time stamps of customized templates so they look
			#	newer than default (main coference) templates
			# this avoids the customized templates from being replaced
			#	*automatically* by 'make' if the default templates
			#	have newer time stamps

			- cp $ACLPUB/templates/local/wks.2010/ws06/meta .
			- # get the workshop-specific "meta" file for WS06

			- vi meta
			- # edit your meta file using any editor to include more chairs
			- # and complete those chairs affiliational information such as
			- # "chairs    Fei Xia (Institution), Country"
			- # WARNING:
			- # DON'T use a format like:
			- # "chairs    Fei Xia, Institution, Country"
			- # or the whole string will be recognized as the name
			- # and will generate strange BibTex entries.

			- DON'T edit any other templates unless you are familiar with
				their functions.

			- # [Get your workshop-specific templates: Method-II]

				You can also directly copy all those 4 template files to your
				working directory, and edit the "meta" file, which is the same
				as he above steps:

			- cd $ACLPUB/proceedings    # your working dir
			- touch $ACLPUB/templates/local/wks.2010/ws06/*
			# change the time stamps of customized templates so they look
			#	newer than default (main coference) templates
			# this avoids the customized templates from being replaced
			#	*automatically* by 'make' if the default templates
			#	have newer time stamps
			- cp $ACLPUB/templates/local/wks.2010/ws06/* .
			- # copy titlepage.tex, copyright.tex, citation-stamp.tex, meta
			- # for WS06
			- edit meta

			Your should then be ready to run.
	- quick steps

		- get pdf files & metadata (final.tgz or final.zip)
			from program committee chair or download them from START/SOFTCONF

			- You now have the option of using the ACLPUB wrapper

		- make final
			- uncompress final.tgz
		- make copyright-signatures
			- see if copyright transfer is signed
		- make db
			- convert metadata to database form
				- to be used by most scripts
				- determines the order of papers in proceedings
			- add program information when the schedule is finalized 
				- see 'make get-order' about 'order' file

		- edit templates/*.tex or *.tex.head
			- edit other templates for front matters
			- for example,
				- tailor to A4 paper size (if not default Letter)
				- change conference title and related information
				- manual correction for those not yet automated
					- e.g., single name (first name = last name)

			* Note that the acl-2010 publication chairs had created
				customized templates for each workshop and co-event,
				therefore you should rarely need to edit these
				templates but use the customized ones

			* The above steps for you to "Get your workshop-specific templates"
				indicate the steps you need to customize your
				ACLPUB with these templates.

			- see "[Hints for Template Editing]"
				if you still need to customize your proceedings further

		- make draft
			- generate a draft version of book.pdf
			- draw a frame/box so you know where the margins should be
				(* See "Warning about make draft" though *)
			- check margins
			- adjust margins (by editing 'db', if necessary)
			- most margins problems are due to incorrect paper size
				- should use A4 (instead of Letter) for ACL-2010
				- ask the authors to resubmit A4 PDF file
					immediately before fixing other problems

		- make get-order
			- purpose: sort the files by their presentation time in program
			- will create a draft 'order' file from the current db
				- the initial program schedule is a FAKE one
			- need the finalized program schedule
			- need to manually reorder this initial file and insert/edit
				additional information about days, sessions,
				and extra events
			- The db file still controls the look of the proceedings.
				However, whenever you change the order file,
				the db file will be rearranged to match it,
				when you make the proceedings,
				and this in turn will affect the proceedings.
			- for safety, save a copy of order + db files whenever you
				regenerate the proceedings ('make draft/shipout')

		- make shipout
			- generate a publishable version

		- make cdrom
			* create a file called 'meta' first for workshop information
			- this step will generate CD-ROM indexes:
				- index.html, program.html, authors.html
				- for paper index, program schedule, author index, respectively
			- check these files and see if there is anything wrong
			- will also rename PDF's by their presentation times and copy into CDROM
			- PS's for PDF's can also be generated
			- PS (PostScript) files can be removed from the CDROM
				(by removing "cdrom/ps" target from Makefile)
				since PS files had not been included into CDROM for years
				- one reason to generate PS's is to check special
					font embedding problems by using pdftops

		- make all
			- package up your proceedings directory as a tarball file
			- send this to main conference publication chairs
				for integrating all workshop proceedings
			** send an URL instead of a big tarball if possible 

	- other instructions (rarely needed)
		- make spine

	- ** Warning about make draft **

		- the 'make draft' option draw a frame/box indicating the margins
			so you know where the margins should be

		- it help greatly for you to identify papers that are not
			in correct paper size (should be A4, for acl-ijcnlp 2009 & acl-2010)
			or papers with incorrect margins
			- 2.5cm for left/right/top/bottom margins,
			- 0.6cm inter-colume gap

		- This is one major source of problems in proceedings compilation.
			Many papers are returned for re-submission for this reason.
			It is a major waste of compilation time.

		- **Warning**: But ... if you are using an older ACLPUB

			The top & right frame lines drawn by current ACLPUB
			are 2.0cm from the edges of the A4 paper,
			not the requested 2.5cm margins. Therefore,
			correctly formatted A4 articles will have about
			0.5cm spaces between the top&rigt margins and
			the top&right frame lines.

		- Fixes: ... this has been fixed in ACLPUB-A4 and ACLPUB@START/SOFTCONF
			For A4 papers (21cm wide) requiring 2.5cm left & right margins,
			you can modify the following two lines in the \newcommand{\draftframe}
			of templates/book.tex (or your local copy):



			(190 => 185 ; 185 - 25 = 160 = 210 - 25 * 2).


	- Since 2010, ACLPUB had been implemented and tested on START/SOFTCONF
		conference management system

	- START/SOFTCONF provides a web-based interface for you to
		- modify the ACLPUB templates online
			- (many of the templates might had been customized by publication chairs)
		- execute the various makes using some buttons
		- new functions might be incrementally included

	- It saves you ACLPUB installation time and avoid installation problems.
		- data can be imported/exported between ACLPUB & ACLPUB@START/SOFTCONF
	- But it is on its early stage of implementation.
	- You are urged to be familiar with at least one of the two ACLPUB's
		AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to make your work easier.

	- Instructions for ACLPUB@START/SOFTCONF:

		- Login to the START/SOFTCONF Manager Console 
			=> Conference Program
			=> Proceedings
			=> ACLPUB
			=> Instructions (Tab)
			| => "Step by Step guide to conference proceedings generation"
			| => "Original instructions provided by ACL" (from NAACL-HLT 2009)

		- The "Original instructions ..." is exactly the "first document to READ"
			in the previous [Tools: ACLPUB] section.
		- Read this first so you know what the START/SOFTCONF version of ACLPUB is doing.

		- mailto: support@softconf.com
		- say "Hi, Rich and Paolo, ..."
		- to reach Rich Gerber and Paolo Gai for technical consultation

[Hints for Template Editing]

			- Last Update: 2010/06/05 10:53 GMT+8

	* The templates/*.tex or templates/*.{tex,html}.head
		may need be customized by workshop book chair
		(or by publication chairs)
		for your workshop/confernece proceedings
		to include most updated information.

	* The following .tex templates are normally customized by publication chairs
		to unify the proceedings style across different
		workshops and conferences:
		- title.tex, copyright.tex, citation-stamp.tex
		- proceedings/meta (See other documents...)

	* The customized templates also included the workshop-specific
		information, including ISBN, ACL Anthology path (bib_url),
		your workshop date(s), proceedings titles, and so on.

	* For ACL-2010, they are customized by the publication chairs, available at

		- (1) ACLPUB-A4
			- in aclpub/templates/local/wks.2010/ws$nn/{*.tex,meta} ($nn: your workshop number)
			- those *.tex files should be copied to aclpub/templates, or symbolic links should be made from there
			- the "meta" file should be copied to your working directory

		- (2) Customized Templates (only) for ACLPUB
			- in acl2010/templates.main+workshops+meta/wks.2010/ws$nn/{*.tex,meta}
	* If you are using the ACLPUB on START/SOFTCONF, check if the copyright.tex
		has the required ISBN
		and check if the "meta" file has the required BIB_URL as announced.
		If they do, you should have the customized templates already.

		- If not, download them from the above sources and replace them in the current start.

	* If you are using ACLPUB-A4-ACL2010, copy the *.tex to the template directory
		and copy the meta file to your working directory (normally, aclpub/proceedings)

	- If the publication chairs do not provided a customized version
		for your workshop, or you have special needs to customize your
		workshop proceedings further, you may edit them according to the following
		hints. (Always to check carefully, since this list may not
		be complete.)

	- title.tex:
		- change workshop/conference title, dates, city
		- tailor to A4 size
	- copyright.tex:
		- change publisher name
		- change ISBN number
		- tailor to A4 size
	- preface*.tex:
		- prefaces from your general/PC/workshop chairs
	- organizers.tex:
		- list of various committee members from your PC
	- toc.tex:
		- generated automatically
		- manual correction to your local copy if necessary
	- program.tex:
		- generated automatically
		- manual correction to your local copy if necessary
	- citation-stamp.tex:
		- conference/workshop title, city, date
	- book.tex:
		- tailor to A4 paper size (if not default Letter)
		- change pdftitle to refer to your workshop title
			- so your proceedings has an appropriate book title in PDF metadata
		- optionally include more than one prefaces
			- generate from preface*.tex
		- optionally include program committee list
		- optionally include mentoring committee list
		- optionally include invited speakers abstracts

	** WARNING **: The following templates/*.head files are
		used by ACLPUB scripts to generate the header
		parts of PDF's or HTML index webpages

		Therefore, you will rarely need to edit them
		(probably except the conference title & URL,
		if your copy had not been updated).

		And you are *NOT* encouraged to change them
		unless you are the publication chairs
		who need to distribute a conference-wide header
		styles (or tailor them for different paper size).

	- templates/*.tex.head:
		- used as the headers of various PDF files.
	- templates/*.html.head:
		- used as the headers of various cdrom/*.html pages

	- Those replacement patterns like "<XXX TITLE>" and "000" in *.html.head
		are workshop-specific information to be AUTOMATICALLY
		replaced by ACLPUB based on your workshop-specific
		proceedings/meta file.

		Therefore, you should *NOT* edit those XXX's and 000 manually
		in the *.html.head templates. Instead, specify correct
		information in your proceedings/meta file.

		- <XXX TITLE>: conference title (meta: 'title' field)
		- <XXX TYPE>: Workshop/Conference (meta: 'type' field)
		- <XXX BOOKTITLE>: proceedings title (meta: 'booktitle' field)
		- <XXX URL>: your home page URL online (meta: 'url' field)
		- <XXX CHAIRS>: workshop chairs (meta: 'chairs' fields, one at a line)
		- <XXX ABBREV>: abbreviation string for your workshop/conference name
			(meta: 'abbrev' field)
			- also used to generate prefix of pdf/*.pdf files
		- <XXX YEAR>: year of the event (meta: 'year' field)
		- 000: a replacement pattern for paper ID's

	- templates/index.html.head:
		- CDROM paper index header style
		- change MAIN conference title, URL, ...
			- e.g., "ACL 2005" or "NAAL HLT 2009" => "ACL 2010"
		- workshop-specific information will be replaced automatically
		- comment out PS column if not generated (default)

	- templates/program.html.head
		- CDROM program schedule header style
		- change MAIN conference title, URL, ...
		- workshop-specific information will be replaced automatically

	- templates/authors.html.head:
		- CDROM authors index header style
		- change MAIN conference title, URL, ...
		- workshop-specific information will be replaced automatically

	- templates/mainindex.html.head
		- change MAIN conference name, dates, city, URL
		- links and names of other workshops and their proceedings
		- logos
		- used by publication chairs only

	- templates/unified-authors.html.head
		- unified author index page style
		- used by publication chairs only

	- templates/toc.tex.head:
		- header part of toc.tex
		- the body of TOC.tex will be automatically generated
	- templates/program.tex.head:
		- header part of program.tex
		- the body of program.tex will be appended automatically
	- templates/cd.tex.head:
		- used to generate the title/author/workshop
			metadata for each PDF paper in cdrom/pdf/*.pdf

	- templates/just-toc.tex:
	- templates/just-program.tex:
		- set paper size and dimensions for
			toc.tex (+toc.tex.head) and
			program.tex (+program.tex.head), respectively
		- all these should be tailor to A4 size
			(by publication chairs) if official version is for Letter

	- The templates/*.tex will be copied to your local proceedings directory
		if there is not a local copy for your customized version
		when you start to make the draft or shipout proceedings
	- They will be used to generate tex files and then be used to generate
		their PDF counterparts in the proceedings directory
	- You can edit them between proceedings compilation for local modification
		- avoid to edit their sources in the templates directory
			unless a conference/workshop-wide customization
			is necessary

[Available ACLPUB Templates for ACL 2010 Workshops/Conferences]

	- to unify the title page style, and include correct workshop-specific
		information to the copyright page and citation stamps,
		the required ACLPUB templates are customized for each workshop,
		including the following specific information:

		- conference/workshop title
		- date of conference/workshop
		- city, country of local host
		- local publisher name this year
		- copyright statements
		- ISBN Number for proceedings

		- 'meta' file requires to generate your CDROM image
			with correct workshop-specific information

	- for more details:
		- http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/templates/ACLPUB.Templates.for.Workshops.ACL-2010.html

[What if You are NOT Using START/SOFTCONF System for Collecting Papers]

	- ACLPUB was desinged to compile proceedings according to
		the papers & metadata dumpped from START/SOFTCONF submission system

	- You can still use ACLPUB for proceedings compilation even if you are not
		using START/SOFTCONF submission system

	- simply to create a START/SOFTCONF-/ACLPUB-compliant
		PDF paper collection, and create the metadata
		(in text format) that are required.

	- for details, see:
	  and related tips on the publication home:

[ISBN Numbers for Proceedings]

	- available online:
		- subject to changes every year
		- 2010: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/acl-2010.book.titles+ISBN.html

	- for you to insert ISBN number in the inside copyright page
	- the local printer will use the ISBN number to generate bar codes in the outside cover
	- short papers, SRW Proceedings, demo & tutorials:
		- will be combined as the companion volume
		- do not have an ISBN of it own (can be deleted from the ACLPUB template)
	- main conference proceedings (volume-1 & -2), companion volume,
		workshop proceedings, proceedings for co-events all have been assigned an ISBN

	- See Also: [Available ACLPUB Templates for ACL .... Workshops/Conferences]

[Copyright Page]

	- the copyright page is the page immediately following the cover page

	- its template in ACLPUB is "aclpub/templates/copyright.tex"
	- See Also: [Available ACLPUB Templates for ACL .... Workshops/Conferences]

	- the following information has to be changed to fit the situations of this year
		- Publisher Information
		- Copyright Statements
			- need to be changed in citation stamps too
		- ISBN Number (if your book is assigned one, as listed in the above section)

[Publisher Information in Copyright Page]

	- the local printer of the proceedings
		may be changed every year

	- the aclpub/templates/copyright.tex template should
		be updated from the following "2008" or "2009" entry to
		the "2010" one for this year as follows:

	- 2010:
		Production and Manufacturing by
		Taberg Media Group AB
		Box 94, 562 02 Taberg

	- 2009:
		Production and Manufacturing by
		World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
		5 Toh Tuck Link
		Singapore 596224

	- 2008:
		Production and Manufacturing by
		Omnipress Inc.
		2600 Anderson Street
		Madison, WI 53707

	- See Also: [Available ACLPUB Templates for ACL 20.. Workshops/Conferences]

[Copyright Statements in Copyright Page]
	- revise the copyright statement in the copyright page of the proceedings into
		- "(C) 2010 The Association for Computational Linguistics"

	- The copyright statements in the "citation stamps"
	  at the bottom of the first page of each paper should read
	  	- "(C) 2010 Association for Computational Linguistics".


	- If you are using the templates for ACL-IJCNLP-2009 (which is a joint conference)

		Please delete AFNLP (Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing)
		from the copyright pages & citation stamps of the proceedings
		(and probably other places) when compiling the proceedings.

	- Its copyright page has the following statement

		"(C) 2009 The Association for Computational Linguistics and
		Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing"

	* See Also: [Available ACLPUB Templates for ACL 20.. Workshops/Conferences]

[About Bib_URLs for ACL Anthology]

	- ACL Anthology will archives papers in the proceedings
	- an entry in the bib data will point to the URL where the paper will be archived
	- See the URL in the following email:
		- http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/ACL-2010.Anthology.paths.for.proceedings.html

[References: Online Documents About Publication]

Related & auxiliary online documents (mostly in my servers) --

We have some online documents that extensively outline some details
on proceedings publication. In particular, your can check the following
documets (in Unix/Dos text format) first (they are updated constantly,
version numbers, if any, are hidden from the generic names):

[1] major working details (THIS DOCUMENT ITSELF) -- including required adaptation to ACLPUB (incrementally updated)
ACL-2010: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/Working.Items.ACL-2010.html
ACL-IJCNLP-2009: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl-ijcnlp2009/publication/howto/Working.Items.txt

[2] letter to workshop book chairs (5/14~)
ACL-2010: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/emails/workshop.proceedings.publication.to.ACL-2010.wks.html
ACL-IJCNLP-2009: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl-ijcnlp2009/publication/howto/acl-ijcnlp09.workshop.proceedings.publication.txt

[3] book titles and ISBN numbers
ACL-2010: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/acl-2010.book.titles+ISBN.html
ACL-IJCNLP-2009: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl-ijcnlp2009/publication/howto/acl-ijcnlp09.book.titles+ISBN.txt

[4] book titles and suggestions on how they should appear in the covers & spines
ACL-2010: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/acl-2010.book.titles+ISBN.html
ACL-IJCNLP-2009: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl-ijcnlp2009/publication/howto/acl-ijcnlp09.book.titles.txt
(Citation Stamp: appropriate abbreviation for the book title. Consult live coling-acl06 & acl08 CD-ROMs)

[5] Live CD-ROM image of COLING-ACL 2006 Proceedings -- check this for real examples

[6] Live CD-ROM image of ACL 2008 Proceedings -- check this if coling-acl 06 image does not have good examples

[7] Live CD-ROM image of IJCNLP-2008 (essentially patterned from coling-acl 2006)

[8] Live CD-ROM image of ACL-IJCNLP-2009 (following this document)

[9] ACL anthology paths for creating BibText entries
ACL-2010: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/ACL-2010.Anthology.paths.for.proceedings.html
ACL-IJCNLP-2009: http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl-ijcnlp2009/publication/howto/ACL.Anthology.paths.for.proceedings.txt

[10] Style Checking -- important features to check when you receivs final submission
ACL-2010: http://acl2010.org/authors_final.html
ACL-IJCNLP-2009: http://www.acl-ijcnlp-2009.org/main/publicationinstructions.html

[Revision History]

	- Rev 3.8.0: 2013-05-29 23:37 GMT+8 (for acl-2013)
		- change links to .html (instead of .txt) if available
		- update links associated with crashed host cnlp
		- update links for acl-2010 book titles
	- Rev 3.7.0: 2010-06-23 11:47 GMT+8
		- touching/renewing time stamps of customized templates
	- Rev 3.6.0: 2010-06-13 09:53 GMT+8
	- Rev 3.5.0: 2010-06-05 10:54 GMT+8
	- Rev 3.4.0: 2010-05-29 16:55 GMT+8
	- Rev 3.3.1: 2010-05-23 10:09 GMT+8
	- Rev 3.3.0: 2010-05-16 15:51 GMT+8
	- Rev 3.2.1: 2010-05-11 10:10 GMT+8
	- Rev 3.2.0: 2010-05-09 13:15-16:03 GMT+8
	- Rev 3.1.1: 2010-05-06 02:21 GMT+8
	- Rev 3.1.0: 2010-05-03 22:04 GMT+8
		- adaptation from Rev 2.4 for acl-ijcnlp2009
	- newest online version: (always check this for latest update)
		- http://nlp.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~shin/acl2010/publication/howto/Working.Items.ACL-2010.html
	- Rev 2.4: 2009-06-11 05:27 GMT+8
		- using ACLPUB while not using START/SOFTCONF for paper submission
		- pointers to available ACLPUB templates files
	- Rev 2.3: 2009-06-04 08:56 GMT+8
		- including [References: Online Documents]
	- Rev 2.2: 2009-05-31 13:40 GMT+8
		- warning about 'make draft'
	- Rev 2.1: 2009-05-27 19:15 GMT+8
		- copyright statements: to include AFNLP
	- Rev 2.0: 2009-05-21 05:18 GMT+8
	- Rev 1.9: 2009-05-20 12:39 GMT+8
	- Rev 1.8: 2009-05-16 17:00 GMT+8
	- Rev 1.7: 2009-05-14 12:54 GMT+8
	- Rev 1.6: 2009-05-13 18:17 GMT+8
	- Rev 1.5: 2009-05-12 21:54 GMT+8
	- Rev 1.4: 2009-05-04 05:57 GMT+8
	- Rev 1.3: 2009-05-03 23:32 GMT+8
	- Rev 1.2: 2009-04-10 08:44 GMT+8