[ACL-IJCNLP 2021] Proceedings Delivery and Pre-Checking

Dear SRW, Demos, Tutorials, Workshops organizers,

Please forward this email to the book chairs who will compile the proceedings for your event
if any book chair is not in the recipient list.

So far we have received some proceedings. We also found issues from such proceedings.
In order not to spend much time fixing the compilation problems, here is an FAQ for pre-checking
the compiled proceedings.

Firstly, we will be grateful if you deliver the proceedings as follows:

1. Send an URL of the downloaded "proceedings.tgz", instead of sending it as an attachment,
    so big proceedings will not exceed our mailbox size. In case of any revision, please notify us ASAP.

    The "proceedings.tgz" is generated after you entered all event/workshop-specific information
    (including program schedule) to the ACLPUB page on START, and use the Generate/All option
    to dump the complete proceedings book as well as individual papers and all intermediate files used
    by ACLPUB.

2. Send the proceedings URL and questions to the publication committee mail list:
    so you can get a faster response.

Secondly, please check the correctness and consistency of your proceedings before delivering it to
the publication committee. Proceedings with critical issues will be returned to the book chairs.
Here are a few steps to avoid significant delay of the publication phase: 

1. Please check the "cdrom" directory of the proceedings.tgz first, and see if The PDF/BIB files
    are named correctly. They should be named by the abbreviation of the event/workshop.
    Also check the bib files, and see if the *.bib contents are generated correctly.

    If anything seems wrong, the event/workshop-specific information in the "CDROM" tab of the ACLPUB
    was not entered correctly.

    In particular, the "abbreviation" field should be the event/workshop abbreviation (such as "tutorials" or "SemEval").

    The abbreviation will be used for naming the proceedings files in the cdrom directory. It will also be used
    in the Bibtex files for the @Book and @InProceedings records. Other fields are also used for the same purposes
    and for generating 3 HTML files in the cdrom directory.

    Take a look at the total BIB file and a few individual bib/*.bib files and the 3 HTML files.
    You will then see how these fields are used, and where the fields might be entered incorrectly if the above
    contents look weird.

    The "Book Title" field should be filled with the formal proceedings name which was used to register for the ISBN
    of the proceedings. The "Book/Volume Titles" together with the ISBNs are available at:


    The "Location" field should be "Bangkok, Thailand (online)".

    Be careful to replace the "TOBEFILLED-" string by appropriate values, without leaving the "TOBEFILLED-" prefix.

    For multiple value fields, such as the "Chair 1" to "Chair 20" fields, simply replace only as many values as required.

2. A minimum proceedings book consists of title page, copyright page, preface(s), organizers, TOC
   (automatically generated), Conference Program, papers (with automatically generated page numbers
   and citation stamps), Author Index (automatically generated at the end of the proceedings).

   Some book chairs may not provide part of them, such as an "organizers" page. It is better to have an "organizers"
   part to acknowledge those who contribute to the event, though. If this is the case, edit the "organizers.tex"
   template in the Templates tab. The same is true for "preface" (preface.tex) and "program" (program.tex) parts.

3. Most workshop title page should look like this:


    In the title page template (Sections/titlepage.tex), please change "ACL 2020" to "ACL-IJCNLP 2021"
    since this is a joint conference. You can optionally insert the abbreviation of your workshop such as
    "SemEval 2021" after "ACL-IJCNLP 2021", and followed by the workshop name, and finally
    the string "Proceedings of the Workshop".

    After that, the Date for Workshops should be "August 5-6, 2021", not the entire span of the conference.

    The hosting city part is removed in the current template for acl2020, you can add
    "Bangkok, Thailand (online)" after the date string, and use a '\\' (newline) at the end of the date string
    to separate them into two lines, just like you see in the above 2009 example workshop proceedings.

    For SRW, Demos, Tutorials, the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 examples can be found at:

4. The copyright page (Templates/Sections/copyright.tex) should have the particular ISBN for
    your event, instead of the one given in the templates, and the ISBN is available at:


    Furthermore, the copyright string should include both ACL and AFNLP for this joint conference. Replace
    the current string in the template with:

         \copyright 2021 The Association for Computational Linguistics\\
         \hspace*{6.5mm}and The Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing\\

    where the trailing '\\' represents a newline in Tex/LaTex.

5. Check the paper list in the "Table of Contents" page, and see if all papers are included
    (and withdrawn papers removed).

    Check the author lists of each paper and see if they are consistent with the final submission.

    Also, click the red-colored hyperlinks and see if they redirect you to the right papers with right page numbers.

6. The "Conference Program" page timezone should be UTC+0.

    Since the conference is virtual this year, a unified timezone designation is important for the participants
    to arrange their time. The "UTC+0" timezone was used in the main proceedings of 2020 (which is also virtual),
    and the PC is using it for scheduling virtual events. So we encourage this convention.

    If you are using the "order" file to create the program schedule, a line like

                   * Sunday, August 5-6, 2021 [UTC+0]

    should make the timezone information clear.

    Again, be sure that all red-colored hyperlinks redirect you to the right papers.

    If you have some undetermined time slots for your program. Please make your decisions ASAP.

7. Revise the "Templates/Settings/citation-stamp.tex" for the correct "proceedings name", "city", "date", "copyright"
    so that a citation string at the first page of each paper, immediately below the page number, can be used
    for readers who want to cite a paper.

    Please also, comment out the 4 lines related to the DOI URL, by inserting a '%' at
    the beginning of the 4 lines, since we don't have the DOI information now.

    You can adjust the "proceedings name" with a shorter version of the full/formal proceedings name in case the
    two-line citation strings exceed the left and right margins of the papers.

    The "city" name in the citation stamp was inserted before the "date". It was, however, removed from the current
    template which was for acl2020. You can use "Bangkok, Thailand (online)" for this year.

    The "date" part should only span over the time period of your own event, not the whole conference period.

    Finally, the "copyright" part should use "\copyright 2021 ACL and AFNLP" for the current joint conference.

8. Go to the Author Index page, and see if it was generated correctly. Click red-colored page numbers
    and see if you are redirected to the right papers with right page numbers.

9. Please also check whether there are any FORMATTING issues with each paper.

    In particular, the margins, page size limitation, title, authors, emails, section headings, fonts
    should follow the camera-ready guidelines of the main conference. Or the paper should be rejected or
    be returned for revision.
With the careful pre-checking of the SRW, Demos, Tutorials and Workshops book chairs, we should be
able to integrate all the proceedings and make the virtual CDROM online ASAP.

Thanks and Regards,

Jing-ShinChang (for Publication Committee)