Monday, July 12, 2010 | |
08:45–09:00 | Opening - Aula, Venue A |
Invited Talk - Aula, Venue A (09:00–10:00) Chair: Sandra Carberry | |
09:00–10:00 | Towards a Psycholinguistics of Social Interaction, by Zenzi M Griffin |
10:00–10:30 | Coffee/Tea Break |
11:45–11:55 | Short Break |
Short Talks: Translation - Aula, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Jorg Tiedemann | |
12:15–12:25 | Paraphrase Lattice for Statistical Machine Translation Takashi Onishi, Masao Utiyama and Eiichiro Sumita |
12:25–12:35 | A Joint Rule Selection Model for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation Lei Cui, Dongdong Zhang, Mu Li, Ming Zhou and Tiejun Zhao |
12:35–12:45 | Learning Lexicalized Reordering Models from Reordering Graphs Jinsong Su, Yang Liu, Yajuan Lv, Haitao Mi and Qun Liu |
12:45–12:55 | Filtering Syntactic Constraints for Statistical Machine Translation Hailong Cao and Eiichiro Sumita |
12:55–13:05 | Diversify and Combine: Improving Word Alignment for Machine Translation on Low-Resource Languages Bing Xiang, Yonggang Deng and Bowen Zhou |
13:05–13:15 | Efficient Path Counting Transducers for Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding of Statistical Machine Translation Lattices Graeme Blackwood, Adrià de Gispert and William Byrne |
Short Talks: Discourse and Generation - Hall X, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Oliver Lemon | |
12:05–12:15 | The Same-Head Heuristic for Coreference Micha Elsner and Eugene Charniak |
12:15–12:25 | Authorship Attribution Using Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars Sindhu Raghavan, Adriana Kovashka and Raymond Mooney |
12:25–12:35 | The Impact of Interpretation Problems on Tutorial Dialogue Myroslava O. Dzikovska, Johanna D. Moore, Natalie Steinhauser and Gwendolyn Campbell |
12:45–12:55 | The Prevalence of Descriptive Referring Expressions in News and Narrative Raquel Hervas and Mark Finlayson |
12:55–13:05 | Preferences versus Adaptation during Referring Expression Generation Martijn Goudbeek and Emiel Krahmer |
Short Talks: Psycholinguistics, Resources, and MT Evaluation - Hall IX, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Amit Dubey | |
11:55–12:05 | Cognitively Plausible Models of Human Language Processing Frank Keller |
12:15–12:25 | The Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus: A Community Resource for and by the People Nancy Ide, Collin Baker, Christiane Fellbaum and Rebecca Passonneau |
12:25–12:35 | Correcting Errors in a Treebank Based on Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammar Yoshihide Kato and Shigeki Matsubara |
12:55–13:05 | Evaluating Machine Translations Using mNCD Marcus Dobrinkat, Tero Tapiovaara, Jaakko Väyrynen and Kimmo Kettunen |
13:05–13:15 | Tackling Sparse Data Issue in Machine Translation Evaluation Ondřej Bojar, Kamil Kos and David Mareček |
Short Talks: Semantics - Hall 3, Venue B (11:55–13:15) Chair: Manfred Pinkal | |
11:55–12:05 | Exemplar-Based Models for Word Meaning in Context Katrin Erk and Sebastian Pado |
12:15–12:25 | A Structured Model for Joint Learning of Argument Roles and Predicate Senses Yotaro Watanabe, Masayuki Asahara and Yuji Matsumoto |
12:25–12:35 | Semantics-Driven Shallow Parsing for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling Weiwei Sun |
12:45–12:55 | Collocation Extraction beyond the Independence Assumption Gerlof Bouma |
12:55–13:05 | Automatic Collocation Suggestion in Academic Writing Jian-Cheng Wu, Yu-Chia Chang, Teruko Mitamura and Jason S. Chang |
Short Talks: Information Retrieval, Extraction, and Ontologies - Hall 4, Venue B (11:55–13:15) Chair: Pushpak Bhattacharyya | |
12:05–12:15 | Event-Based Hyperspace Analogue to Language for Query Expansion Tingxu Yan, Tamsin Maxwell, Dawei Song, Yuexian Hou and Peng Zhang |
12:55–13:05 | Automatically Generating Term Frequency Induced Taxonomies Karin Murthy, Tanveer A Faruquie, L Venkata Subramaniam, Hima Prasad K and Mukesh Mohania |
13:05–13:15 | Complexity Assumptions in Ontology Verbalisation Richard Power |
Posters and Lunch - Foyer, Venue A (13:15–15:00) | |
Translation (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Paraphrase Lattice for Statistical Machine Translation Takashi Onishi, Masao Utiyama and Eiichiro Sumita |
13:15–15:00 | A Joint Rule Selection Model for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation Lei Cui, Dongdong Zhang, Mu Li, Ming Zhou and Tiejun Zhao |
13:15–15:00 | Learning Lexicalized Reordering Models from Reordering Graphs Jinsong Su, Yang Liu, Yajuan Lv, Haitao Mi and Qun Liu |
13:15–15:00 | Filtering Syntactic Constraints for Statistical Machine Translation Hailong Cao and Eiichiro Sumita |
13:15–15:00 | Diversify and Combine: Improving Word Alignment for Machine Translation on Low-Resource Languages Bing Xiang, Yonggang Deng and Bowen Zhou |
13:15–15:00 | Efficient Path Counting Transducers for Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding of Statistical Machine Translation Lattices Graeme Blackwood, Adria de Gispert and William Byrne |
13:15–15:00 | Word Alignment with Synonym Regularization Hiroyuki Shindo, Akinori Fujino and Masaaki Nagata |
13:15–15:00 | Better Filtration and Augmentation for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation Rules Zhiyang Wang, Yajuan Lv, Qun Liu and Young-Sook Hwang |
13:15–15:00 | Fixed Length Word Suffix for Factored Statistical Machine Translation Narges Sharif Razavian and Stephan Vogel |
Generation (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | The Prevalence of Descriptive Referring Expressions in News and Narrative Raquel Hervas and Mark Finlayson |
13:15–15:00 | Preferences versus Adaptation during Referring Expression Generation Martijn Goudbeek and Emiel Krahmer |
Information Retrieval and Extraction (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Event-Based Hyperspace Analogue to Language for Query Expansion Tingxu Yan, Tamsin Maxwell, Dawei Song, Yuexian Hou and Peng Zhang |
Discourse (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | The Same-Head Heuristic for Coreference Micha Elsner and Eugene Charniak |
13:15–15:00 | Authorship Attribution Using Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars Sindhu Raghavan, Adriana Kovashka and Raymond Mooney |
13:15–15:00 | The Impact of Interpretation Problems on Tutorial Dialogue Myroslava O. Dzikovska, Johanna D. Moore, Natalie Steinhauser and Gwendolyn Campbell |
13:15–15:00 | Unsupervised Discourse Segmentation of Documents with Inherently Parallel Structure Minwoo Jeong and Ivan Titov |
13:15–15:00 | Coreference Resolution with Reconcile Veselin Stoyanov, Claire Cardie, Nathan Gilbert, Ellen Riloff, David Buttler and David Hysom |
Resources and MT Evaluation (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | The Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus: A Community Resource for and by the People Nancy Ide, Collin Baker, Christiane Fellbaum and Rebecca Passonneau |
13:15–15:00 | Correcting Errors in a Treebank Based on Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammar Yoshihide Kato and Shigeki Matsubara |
13:15–15:00 | Evaluating Machine Translations Using mNCD Marcus Dobrinkat, Tero Tapiovaara, Jaakko Vayrynen and Kimmo Kettunen |
13:15–15:00 | Tackling Sparse Data Issue in Machine Translation Evaluation Ondrej Bojar, Kamil Kos and David Marecek |
13:15–15:00 | Predicate Argument Structure Analysis Using Transformation Based Learning Hirotoshi Taira, Sanae Fujita and Masaaki Nagata |
Semantics (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Exemplar-Based Models for Word Meaning in Context Katrin Erk and Sebastian Pado |
13:15–15:00 | A Structured Model for Joint Learning of Argument Roles and Predicate Senses Yotaro Watanabe, Masayuki Asahara and Yuji Matsumoto |
13:15–15:00 | Semantics-Driven Shallow Parsing for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling Weiwei Sun |
13:15–15:00 | Collocation Extraction beyond the Independence Assumption Gerlof Bouma |
13:15–15:00 | Automatic Collocation Suggestion in Academic Writing Jian-Cheng Wu, Yu-Chia Chang, Teruko Mitamura and Jason S. Chang |
13:15–15:00 | Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Rich Syntactic Features Weiwei Sun |
Ontologies (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Automatically Generating Term Frequency Induced Taxonomies Karin Murthy, Tanveer A Faruquie, L Venkata Subramaniam, Hima Prasad K and Mukesh Mohania |
13:15–15:00 | Complexity Assumptions in Ontology Verbalisation Richard Power |
Psycholinguistics (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Cognitively Plausible Models of Human Language Processing Frank Keller |
16:15–16:45 | Coffee/Tea Break |
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 | |
09:00–10:00 | Lifetime Achievement Award - Aula, Venue A |
10:00–10:30 | Coffee/Tea Break |
SRW - Hall IX, Venue A (10:30–11:45) | |
11:45–11:55 | Short Break |
Short Talks: Translation and Parsing - Aula, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Julia Hockenmaier | |
11:55–12:05 | Balancing User Effort and Translation Error in Interactive Machine Translation via Confidence Measures Jesús González Rubio, Daniel Ortiz Martínez and Francisco Casacuberta |
12:05–12:15 | Improving Arabic-to-English Statistical Machine Translation by Reordering Post-Verbal Subjects for Alignment Marine Carpuat, Yuval Marton and Nizar Habash |
12:15–12:25 | Learning Common Grammar from Multilingual Corpus Tomoharu Iwata, Daichi Mochihashi and Hiroshi Sawada |
12:45–12:55 | Tree-Based Deterministic Dependency Parsing — An Application to Nivre’s Method — Kotaro Kitagawa and Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii |
12:55–13:05 | Sparsity in Dependency Grammar Induction Jennifer Gillenwater, Kuzman Ganchev, João Graça, Fernando Pereira and Ben Taskar |
13:05–13:15 | Top-Down K-Best A* Parsing Adam Pauls, Dan Klein and Chris Quirk |
Short Talks: Machine Learning and Statistical Methods - Hall X, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Dekang Lin | |
11:55–12:05 | Simple Semi-Supervised Training of Part-Of-Speech Taggers Anders Søgaard |
12:05–12:15 | Efficient Optimization of an MDL-Inspired Objective Function for Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagging Ashish Vaswani, Adam Pauls and David Chiang |
12:15–12:25 | SVD and Clustering for Unsupervised POS Tagging Michael Lamar, Yariv Maron, Mark Johnson and Elie Bienenstock |
12:25–12:35 | Intelligent Selection of Language Model Training Data Robert C. Moore and William Lewis |
12:35–12:45 | Blocked Inference in Bayesian Tree Substitution Grammars Trevor Cohn and Phil Blunsom |
13:05–13:15 | Online Generation of Locality Sensitive Hash Signatures Benjamin Van Durme and Ashwin Lall |
Short Talks: Question Answering, Entailment and Sentiment - Hall IX, Venue A (11:55–13:15) Chair: Sanda Harabagiu | |
12:05–12:15 | Optimizing Question Answering Accuracy by Maximizing Log-Likelihood Matthias H. Heie, Edward W. D. Whittaker and Sadaoki Furui |
12:15–12:25 | Generating Entailment Rules from FrameNet Roni Ben Aharon, Idan Szpektor and Ido Dagan |
12:25–12:35 | Don’t ‘Have a Clue’? Unsupervised Co-Learning of Downward-Entailing Operators. Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Lillian Lee |
12:35–12:45 | Vocabulary Choice as an Indicator of Perspective Beata Beigman Klebanov, Eyal Beigman and Daniel Diermeier |
12:45–12:55 | Cross Lingual Adaptation: An Experiment on Sentiment Classifications Bin Wei and Christopher Pal |
12:55–13:05 | Using Anaphora Resolution to Improve Opinion Target Identification in Movie Reviews Niklas Jakob and Iryna Gurevych |
13:05–13:15 | Hierarchical Sequential Learning for Extracting Opinions and Their Attributes Yejin Choi and Claire Cardie |
Short Talks: Morphology and Information Extraction - Hall 3, Venue B (11:55–13:15) Chair: Gosse Bouma | |
12:15–12:25 | Jointly Optimizing a Two-Step Conditional Random Field Model for Machine Transliteration and Its Fast Decoding Algorithm Dong Yang, Paul Dixon and Sadaoki Furui |
12:25–12:35 | Arabic Named Entity Recognition: Using Features Extracted from Noisy Data Yassine Benajiba, Imed Zitouni, Mona Diab and Paolo Rosso |
12:35–12:45 | Extracting Sequences from the Web Anthony Fader, Stephen Soderland and Oren Etzioni |
12:45–12:55 | An Entity-Level Approach to Information Extraction Aria Haghighi and Dan Klein |
13:05–13:15 | A Semi-Supervised Key Phrase Extraction Approach: Learning from Title Phrases through a Document Semantic Network Decong Li, Sujian Li, Wenjie Li, Wei Wang and Weiguang Qu |
Short Talks: Speech, Multimodal, and Summarization - Hall 4, Venue B (11:55–13:15) Chair: Berlin Chen | |
11:55–12:05 | Domain Adaptation of Maximum Entropy Language Models Tanel Alumäe and Mikko Kurimo |
12:05–12:15 | Decision Detection Using Hierarchical Graphical Models Trung H. Bui and Stanley Peters |
12:25–12:35 | Using Speech to Reply to SMS Messages While Driving: An In-Car Simulator User Study Yun-Cheng Ju and Tim Paek |
12:45–12:55 | Classification of Feedback Expressions in Multimodal Data Costanza Navarretta and Patrizia Paggio |
13:05–13:15 | Optimizing Informativeness and Readability for Sentiment Summarization Hitoshi Nishikawa, Takaaki Hasegawa, Yoshihiro Matsuo and Genichiro Kikui |
Posters and Lunch - Foyer, Venue A (13:15–15:00) | |
Question Answering and Entailment (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Optimizing Question Answering Accuracy by Maximizing Log-Likelihood Matthias H. Heie, Edward W. D. Whittaker and Sadaoki Furui |
13:15–15:00 | Generating Entailment Rules from FrameNet Roni Ben Aharon, Idan Szpektor and Ido Dagan |
13:15–15:00 | Don’t ‘Have a Clue’? Unsupervised Co-Learning of Downward-Entailing Operators. Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Lillian Lee |
Sentiment (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Vocabulary Choice as an Indicator of Perspective Beata Beigman Klebanov, Eyal Beigman and Daniel Diermeier |
13:15–15:00 | Cross Lingual Adaptation: An Experiment on Sentiment Classifications Bin Wei and Christopher Pal |
13:15–15:00 | Using Anaphora Resolution to Improve Opinion Target Identification in Movie Reviews Niklas Jakob and Iryna Gurevych |
13:15–15:00 | Hierarchical Sequential Learning for Extracting Opinions and Their Attributes Yejin Choi and Claire Cardie |
13:15–15:00 | Last but Definitely Not Least: On the Role of the Last Sentence in Automatic Polarity-Classification Israela Becker and Vered Aharonson |
13:15–15:00 | Automatically Generating Annotator Rationales to Improve Sentiment Classification Ainur Yessenalina, Yejin Choi and Claire Cardie |
Morphology (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Jointly Optimizing a Two-Step Conditional Random Field Model for Machine Transliteration and Its Fast Decoding Algorithm Dong Yang, Paul Dixon and Sadaoki Furui |
13:15–15:00 | Simultaneous Tokenization and Part-Of-Speech Tagging for Arabic without a Morphological Analyzer Seth Kulick |
Speech and Multimodal (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Domain Adaptation of Maximum Entropy Language Models Tanel Alumae and Mikko Kurimo |
13:15–15:00 | Decision Detection Using Hierarchical Graphical Models Trung H. Bui and Stanley Peters |
13:15–15:00 | Using Speech to Reply to SMS Messages While Driving: An In-Car Simulator User Study Yun-Cheng Ju and Tim Paek |
13:15–15:00 | Classification of Feedback Expressions in Multimodal Data Costanza Navarretta and Patrizia Paggio |
Translation (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Balancing User Effort and Translation Error in Interactive Machine Translation via Confidence Measures Jesus Gonzalez Rubio, Daniel Ortiz Martinez and Francisco Casacuberta |
13:15–15:00 | Improving Arabic-to-English Statistical Machine Translation by Reordering Post-Verbal Subjects for Alignment Marine Carpuat, Yuval Marton and Nizar Habash |
13:15–15:00 | Learning Common Grammar from Multilingual Corpus Tomoharu Iwata, Daichi Mochihashi and Hiroshi Sawada |
Parsing (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Tree-Based Deterministic Dependency Parsing — An Application to Nivre’s Method — Kotaro Kitagawa and Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii |
13:15–15:00 | Sparsity in Dependency Grammar Induction Jennifer Gillenwater, Kuzman Ganchev, Joao Graca, Fernando Pereira and Ben Taskar |
13:15–15:00 | Top-Down K-Best A* Parsing Adam Pauls, Dan Klein and Chris Quirk |
13:15–15:00 | Hierarchical A* Parsing with Bridge Outside Scores Adam Pauls and Dan Klein |
13:15–15:00 | Using Parse Features for Preposition Selection and Error Detection Joel Tetreault, Jennifer Foster and Martin Chodorow |
Information Extraction (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Arabic Named Entity Recognition: Using Features Extracted from Noisy Data Yassine Benajiba, Imed Zitouni, Mona Diab and Paolo Rosso |
13:15–15:00 | Extracting Sequences from the Web Anthony Fader, Stephen Soderland and Oren Etzioni |
13:15–15:00 | An Entity-Level Approach to Information Extraction Aria Haghighi and Dan Klein |
13:15–15:00 | A Semi-Supervised Key Phrase Extraction Approach: Learning from Title Phrases through a Document Semantic Network Decong Li, Sujian Li, Wenjie Li, Wei Wang and Weiguang Qu |
Machine Learning and Statistical Methods (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Simple Semi-Supervised Training of Part-Of-Speech Taggers Anders Sogaard |
13:15–15:00 | Efficient Optimization of an MDL-Inspired Objective Function for Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagging Ashish Vaswani, Adam Pauls and David Chiang |
13:15–15:00 | SVD and Clustering for Unsupervised POS Tagging Michael Lamar, Yariv Maron, Mark Johnson and Elie Bienenstock |
13:15–15:00 | Intelligent Selection of Language Model Training Data Robert C. Moore and William Lewis |
13:15–15:00 | Blocked Inference in Bayesian Tree Substitution Grammars Trevor Cohn and Phil Blunsom |
13:15–15:00 | Online Generation of Locality Sensitive Hash Signatures Benjamin Van Durme and Ashwin Lall |
13:15–15:00 | Distributional Similarity vs. PU Learning for Entity Set Expansion Xiao-Li Li, Lei Zhang, Bing Liu and See-Kiong Ng |
13:15–15:00 | Active Learning-Based Elicitation for Semi-Supervised Word Alignment Vamshi Ambati, Stephan Vogel and Jaime Carbonell |
13:15–15:00 | An Active Learning Approach to Finding Related Terms David Vickrey, Oscar Kipersztok and Daphne Koller |
13:15–15:00 | Learning Better Data Representation Using Inference-Driven Metric Learning Paramveer S. Dhillon, Partha Pratim Talukdar and Koby Crammer |
Summarization (13:15–15:00) | |
13:15–15:00 | Optimizing Informativeness and Readability for Sentiment Summarization Hitoshi Nishikawa, Takaaki Hasegawa, Yoshihiro Matsuo and Genichiro Kikui |
13:15–15:00 | Wrapping up a Summary: From Representation to Generation Josef Steinberger, Marco Turchi, Mijail Kabadjov, Ralf Steinberger and Nello Cristianini |
16:15–16:45 | Coffee/Tea Break |